Electronics NCR Reports related to GLAT1831

Request ID

Item Description

Serial #


Corrective Action

Description of NonConformance


TEM/TPS Flight Assy



marking ink used was per print, but was mixed to incorrect mix ratio and did not fully cure. Ink was removed from unit. Part ID will be made using flight approved Brady label.

Include affected unit S/Ns to this NCR

Top assembly serial no.'s 1831, 1836, (lat-ds-01643)

Vendor was informed of problem and will mix appropriate sized batches of ink to ensure correect mix ratio and cure.




Root Cause: Incorrect mix ratio used by vendor (GT). Per source inspector investigation, vendor technicians mixed too small of a batch of ink, and mix ratio was incorrect and resulted in ink that did not fully cure.

( Non-conformance found after units were vibed and returned for clean-up)

1. Vendor is not using permanent ink for the part marking of the unit TEM/TPS LAT-DS-01643 S/N 1831, 1836, TPS LAT-DS01482, TEM LAT-DS-0148.

00498 TEM/TPS assy GLAT1831 During random vibration test setup, a misalignment of the unit with respect to one of the standoffs was noticed after full bolt torque had been applied. The standoff was misaligned by approximately 0.5 in. from the bolt hole through which the fastener passes to attach the unit to the test fixture. The unit was then removed from the fixture, the standoff was re-aligned, re-torqued, and testing proceeded as normal. Upon removal of unit from the shaker head, it was noticed there was a small crescent scratch left behind where the standoff had been during the misalignment. There was no unusual stress imposed on the unit since the standoff was very near the correct location.

Inspect to ensure Ni plating is not damaged or cracked
Assure the standoffs are all properly aligned prior to applying full torque to attachment bolts. IS: One standoff used to secure the TEM/TPS to the vibration table was misaligned by approximately 0.5 in. from the bolt hole through which the fastener passes to attach the unit to the test fixture. Upon removal of unit from the shaker head, it was noticed there was a small crescent scratch left behind where the standoff had been during the misalignment.
00511 TPS, CCA in process Pre-Thermal Cycle Elec performance testing GLAT 1779, GLAT 1781, GLAT 1782 Per Dave Nelson 6/08, the test result was marginal failure. The limits of data sheet page 59 for document LAT-TD-01652-05 paragraph 5.5.1-23 will be changed from 0.16 - 0.21 Ampere to 0.15 -0.21. This change will not affect form, fit and functional of the CCA.

This NCR is to close.

Documentation change.

Root Cause: Limits were set up initially based on EGSE built which was not for flight use.

IS: Procedure LAT-DS-01652-05, Paragraph 5.5.1-23 test result is 0.158
SB: Procedure LAT-DS-01652-05, Paragraph 5.5.1-23 requirement is 0.16 - 0.21
00400 TPS Subassembly SVT 1774, 1775, 1776, 1778 1 and 2) RED LINED copies to be reviewed, controlled and approved by Responsible Engineer and QE.

3) Pages 39 and 42 Procedure Number to be changed from LAT-DS-04849 to LAT-TD-04849.

4) Page 44, Para. 5.2.2-7 External power supply limits to be changed from +27 - +33 to +25 - +33 Amp per Dave Nelson 06/08. This change will not affect form, fit and functional of the TPS CCA.

This NCR is OK to close. LAT-TD-04849 has been revised to rev. 02 to incorporate redlines.
None required at this time. Limits based on expected performance of EGSE power supply; actual EGSE power supply performance.

Documentation error. Limits set based on EGSE which was built for non flight.

1. A hard copy of the RED LINE MASTER not generated and controlled under the Responsible Engineer.

2. Test Procedure is RED LINED.

Page 39, 42 Procedure Number IS: LAT-DS-04849 SB: LAT-TD-04849.
Page 44, Para. 5.2.2-7 External power supply limits IS: +26.5-+29.5; SB: +27- +33.