Electronics NCR Reports related to GLAT1836

Request ID

Item Description

Serial #


Corrective Action

Description of NonConformance


Glast-Electronics Boxes TEM/TPS ASSY GLAT 1833, GLAT1834, GT1836

EIDP for units GLAT1833, GLAT1834 and GLAT1836 were received, reviewed and accepted. EIDP was also scanned by design to add in the SLAC DAQ website.

This NCR is OK to close.

None at this time.



Root Cause: Vendor delayed in EIDP shipment. Package s were shipped separately and several days later in another box.

IS: Vendor did not ship End Item Data Packet along with unit. S/N's GLAT 1833, GLAT 1834, GLAT1836


TEM/TPS Flight Assy



marking ink used was per print, but was mixed to incorrect mix ratio and did not fully cure. Ink was removed from unit. Part ID will be made using flight approved Brady label.

Include affected unit S/Ns to this NCR

Top assembly serial no.'s 1831, 1836, (lat-ds-01643)

Vendor was informed of problem and will mix appropriate sized batches of ink to ensure correect mix ratio and cure.




Root Cause: Incorrect mix ratio used by vendor (GT). Per source inspector investigation, vendor technicians mixed too small of a batch of ink, and mix ratio was incorrect and resulted in ink that did not fully cure.

( Non-conformance found after units were vibed and returned for clean-up)

1. Vendor is not using permanent ink for the part marking of the unit TEM/TPS LAT-DS-01643 S/N 1831, 1836, TPS LAT-DS01482, TEM LAT-DS-0148.