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00001 #!/usr/local/bin/python
00002 #
00003 #                               Copyright 2004
00004 #                                     by
00005 #                        The Board of Trustees of the
00006 #                     Leland Stanford Junior University.
00007 #                            All rights reserved.
00008 #
00010 __facility__ = "Online"
00011 __abstract__ = "GLAST LAT Trigger Object class"
00012 __author__   = "M. Huffer <> SLAC - GLAST LAT Electronics"
00013 __date__     = "1/14/04"
00014 __version__  = "$Revision: 2.1 $"
00015 __release__  = "$Name: R04-12-00 $"
00016 __credits__  = "SLAC"
00018 import LATTE.copyright_SLAC
00020 """TrgRoiAsTiles: Map coincidences to Regions of Interest
00021 """
00023 from TrgCoincidences import *
00024 from NullObjects     import NullCoincidence
00026 class TrgRoiAsTiles(TrgCoincidences):
00027   """\brief Class TrgRoiAsTiles
00028   LATTE provided class to map coincidences to ROIs
00029   """
00030   def __init__(self):
00031     TrgCoincidences.__init__(self)
00032     self.__coincidenceList = []
00033     for i in range(TrgObject.COINCIDENCE_NUMBER_MAX + 1):
00034       self.__coincidenceList.append(NullCoincidence())
00035     self.__roiList = []
00036     for i in range(TrgObject.ROI_NUMBER_MAX+1):
00037       self.__roiList.append(AddableRoi())
00039   def coincidence(self, coincidenceNumber):
00040     if coincidenceNumber < TrgObject.COINCIDENCE_NUMBER_MIN or \
00041        coincidenceNumber > TrgObject.COINCIDENCE_NUMBER_MAX:
00042       raise IndexError, "coincidenceNumber is out of range"
00043     return self.__coincidenceList[coincidenceNumber]
00045   def roi(self, roiNumber):
00046     if roiNumber < TrgObject.ROI_NUMBER_MIN or \
00047        roiNumber > TrgObject.ROI_NUMBER_MAX:
00048       raise IndexError, "roiNumber is out of range"
00049     return self.__roiList[roiNumber]
00051   def addCoincidence(self, cNumber, coinc):
00052     self.__coincidenceList[cNumber] = coinc
00053     self.__fillRoiList(cNumber)
00055   def __fillRoiList(self, cNumber):
00056     """This function fills the list of ROIs by using the defined
00057        list of coincident tiles.  Each coincidence pair defines
00058        tiles in two ROIs.  Coincidence pair 0 maps to ROI 0 and 1, 
00059        and so on.
00060     """
00061     rList = self.__roiList
00062     coin = self.coincidence(cNumber)
00063     for tileA in range(TrgObject.TILE_NUMBER_MAX+1):
00064       tileB = coin.inCoincidence(tileA)
00065       if tileB >= 0:
00066         c2 = cNumber * 2
00067         rList[c2].addTile(tileA)
00068         rList[c2+1].addTile(tileB)    
00070 class AddableRoi(TrgRoi):
00071   """The main purpose of this class is to add the member function
00072      addTile(tile).  
00073      This function appends a tile to the list of tiles in the ROI
00074   """
00075   def __init__(self):
00076     TrgRoi.__init__(self)
00077     self.__tileList = []
00079   def addTile(self,tile):
00080     if tile not in self.__tileList:
00081       if tile >= TrgObject.TILE_NUMBER_MIN and tile <= TrgObject.TILE_NUMBER_MAX:
00082         self.__tileList.append(tile)
00084   def tile(self, tileNumber):
00085     if tileNumber < TrgObject.TILE_NUMBER_MIN or tileNumber > TrgObject.TILE_NUMBER_MAX:
00086       raise IndexError, "tileNumber is out of range"
00087     if tileNumber in self.__tileList:
00088       return True
00089     return False

Generated on Fri Jul 21 13:26:34 2006 for LATTE R04-12-00 by doxygen 1.4.3