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00001 # This file is generated by LATTE makefile system, do not edit.
00002 # To build this file:
00003 #   cd LATTE
00004 #   gmake client.fswmsgs
00006 __version__ = "$Revision: 2.4 $"
00008 import LATTE.copyright_SLAC
00010 class FswMessages(object):
00011   FSWSTR = {
00012     0x0f802a9d: [  "LCBD_RUNDX", "Result item, LATp undefined error %0x%08x"],
00013     0x0f802abd: [  "LCBD_RUND3", "Result item, LATp undefined error 3"],
00014     0x0f802acd: [  "LCBD_RUND7", "Result item, LATp undefined error 7"],
00015     0x0f803895: [ "LCBD_RTOERR", "Result item, LATp timeout error"],
00016     0x0f804348: [   "LCBD___OK", "Success"],
00017     0x0f805679: [  "LCBD_NOCLK", "No 20MHz LATp side clock present"],
00018     0x0f8096c3: [ "LCBD_RIUND4", "Result in-bound, Undefined status #4, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00019     0x0f8096c7: [ "LCBD_RIUND5", "Result in-bound, Undefined status #5, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00020     0x0f8096cb: [ "LCBD_RIUND6", "Result in-bound, Undefined status #6, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00021     0x0f8096cf: [ "LCBD_RIUND7", "Result in-bound, Undefined status #7, descriptor 0x%0x08x"],
00022     0x0f809885: ["LCBD_RTRUNRN", "Result item, LATp transmit underrun error"],
00023     0x0f809ac3: [ "LCBD_ROUND4", "Result out-bound, Undefined status #4, descriptor %0x08x"],
00024     0x0f809acb: [ "LCBD_ROUND6", "Result out-bound, Undefined status #6, descriptor %0x08x"],
00025     0x0f80a395: [ "LCBD_RDPERR", "Result item, LATp cell parity error"],
00026     0x0f80a795: [ "LCBD_RHPERR", "Result item, LATp header parity error"],
00027     0x0f813d59: [ "LCBD_NOROOM", "No room to add the specified PCI/LATP allowable version numbers"],
00028     0x0f814857: [ "LCBD_ENBDSB", "Attempt to both enable and disable an interrupt source %x"],
00029     0x0f81520b: ["LCBD_RESFORK", "Response FORK creation failed %x"],
00030     0x0f8166b5: [ "LCBD_EIUND1", "Event receive, Undefined error #1, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00031     0x0f816ac3: [ "LCBD_EOUND4", "Event transfer, Undefined error #4, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00032     0x0f816acb: [ "LCBD_EOUND6", "Event transfer, Undefined error #6, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00033     0x0f817eeb: [ "LCBD_AIBSEM", "Asynch semaphore creation failed"],
00034     0x0f818625: [ "LCBD_AIBCAN", "Asynch initialization operation cancelled"],
00035     0x0f818718: [ "LCBD_AIBCOM", "Asynch initialization operation completed"],
00036     0x0f821031: ["LCBD_REQFULL", "Request queue is full"],
00037     0x0f82232d: ["LCBD_RINVLST", "Result item, LATp invalid or inconsistent list"],
00038     0x0f8260cd: [ "LCBD_UNINIT", "Driver is uninitialized"],
00039     0x0f82866f: ["LCBD_RIPCITA", "Result in-bound, PCI target abort, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00040     0x0f82885f: ["LCBD_RIPCIMA", "Result in-bound, PCI master abort, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00041     0x0f8288bb: ["LCBD_RIPCIPE", "Result in-bound, PCI parity error, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00042     0x0f82966f: ["LCBD_ROPCITA", "Result out-bound, PCI target abort, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00043     0x0f82985f: ["LCBD_ROPCIMA", "Result out-bound, PCI master abort, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00044     0x0f8298bb: ["LCBD_ROPCIPE", "Result out-bound, PCI parity error, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00045     0x0f82c0c3: [ "LCBD_UCBRWI", "UCB PBS/RW_init failed with code %d"],
00046     0x0f82c0cb: [ "LCBD_UCBRWD", "UCB PBS/RW_destroy failed with code %d"],
00047     0x0f8300d7: [ "LCBD_PIDIRQ", "Unable to connect PID interrupt handler"],
00048     0x0f8319d3: [ "LCBD_PCIREV", "PCI FPGA revision number 0x%2x is not supported by this driver"],
00049     0x0f831ed7: [ "LCBD_PCIIRQ", "Unable to connect PCI interrupt handler"],
00050     0x0f83c663: ["LCBD_STATSIFL", "Unable to initialize statistics block"],
00051     0x0f84269b: ["LCBD_NTFYTSK", "Unable to create notification service task"],
00052     0x0f8426eb: ["LCBD_NTFYSEM", "Unable to create semaphore for notification control block"],
00053     0x0f851691: ["LCBD_EITRUNC", "Event receive, LATp truncate error,  descriptor 0x%08x"],
00054     0x0f859395: ["LCBD_EIDPERR", "Event receive, LATp cell parity error, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00055     0x0f85d66f: ["LCBD_EOPCITA", "Event transfer, PCI target abort, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00056     0x0f85d85f: ["LCBD_EOPCIMA", "Event transfer, PCI master abort, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00057     0x0f85d8bb: ["LCBD_EOPCIPE", "Event transfer, PCI parity error, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00058     0x0f85fb9b: ["LCBD_AIBTASK", "Asynch initialization task creation failed %x"],
00059     0x0f862677: ["LCBD_ISRRSTQ", "The ISR RESULT FORK queue was not set before enabling"],
00060     0x0f863df7: ["LCBD_ISREVTQ", "The ISR EVENT FORK queue was not set before enabling"],
00061     0x0f86760b: ["LCBD_EVTFORK", "Event FORK creation failed %x"],
00062     0x0f86c63f: ["LCBD_DRNRSTF", "Found %d outstanding operations in the result FIFO"],
00063     0x0f86dd63: ["LCBD_DRNNPCI", "Could not drain ques, PCI side not initialized"],
00064     0x0f86ddbf: ["LCBD_DRNEVTF", "Found %d outstanding operations in the event  FIFO"],
00065     0x0f86f3df: ["LCBD_INSEBUF", "Insufficient memory to allocate event buffer"],
00066     0x0f879bdf: ["LCBD_INVEBUF", "Invalid event buffer %8.8x"],
00067     0x0f890f09: ["LCBD_OFFLINE", "Driver is offline"],
00068     0x0f8ab4d7: ["LCBD_ROQEMPTY", "Result out-bound, Result queue empty 0x%08x"],
00069     0x0f8abd43: ["LCBD_ROBUFEMP", "Result out-bound, Intermediate LCB FIFO buffer empty, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00070     0x0f8b9a13: ["LCBD_FCBMTXI", "PBS/MTX_init failed for event fcb code = %8.8x"],
00071     0x0f8b9a1b: ["LCBD_FCBMTXD", "PBS/MTX_destroy failed for event fcb code = %8.8x"],
00072     0x0f8bf8d3: ["LCBD_FPGAREV", "FPGA revision numbers combination PCI=0x%2x LATp=0x%2x is not support by this driver"],
00073     0x0f8c03bb: ["LCBD_PIDIRQD", "Unable to disconnect PID interrupt handler"],
00074     0x0f8c7bbb: ["LCBD_PCIIRQD", "Unable to disconnect PCI interrupt handler"],
00075     0x0f8c8873: ["LCBD_PCIFAIL", "Unable to detect PCI board with vendorID 0x%04x, deviceID 0x%04x"],
00076     0x0f90aafb: ["LCBD_NTFYNFND", "Unable to locate the nut on the que head"],
00077     0x0f90ba13: ["LCBD_NTFYMTXI", "Unable to create mutex for NUT que"],
00078     0x0f90ba1b: ["LCBD_NTFYMTXD", "Unable to destroy mutex for NUT que, code = %8.8x"],
00079     0x0f966777: ["LCBD_NULEVTCB", "Event callback handler specified as NULL"],
00080     0x0f97b4d7: ["LCBD_EOQEMPTY", "Event transfer, Event queue empty 0x%08x"],
00081     0x0f97bd43: ["LCBD_EOBUFEMP", "Event transfer, Intermediate LCB FIFO buffer empty, descriptor 0x%08x"],
00082     0x0f9ea7d7: ["LCBD_INVPROTO", "Invalid Protocol number, protocol = %d > 3"],
00083     0x0fa3ba6b: ["LCBD_CLTOOBIG", "Command List length is too big,  length = 0x%08x"],
00084     0x0fa586b7: ["LCBD_CLMISALN", "Command List is misaligned, list = 0x%08x"],
00085     0x0fb22263: ["LCBD_PCIMAPLP", "Unable to map local address to PCI memory"],
00086     0x0fb223b3: ["LCBD_PCIMAPPL", "Unable to map PCI memory to local address"],
00087     0x20801dd6: [    "LEM_INFO", "%s %04d: %s"],
00088     0x20801f97: [   "LEM_RIERR", "Result item has error field set"],
00089     0x20802f57: [   "LEM_TOHV1", "Timeout acquiring AEM Environment HV1"],
00090     0x20802f5b: [   "LEM_TOHV2", "Timeout acquiring AEM Environment HV2"],
00091     0x2080320b: [   "LEM_TOVDD", "Timeout acquiring AEM Environment VDD"],
00092     0x20803605: [    "LEM_WARN", "%s %04d: %s"],
00093     0x20803ad7: [   "LEM_ERROR", "%s %04d: %s"],
00094     0x20809d43: [  "LEM_TOTEMP", "Timeout acquiring AEM Environment TEMP"],
00095     0x2080c997: [  "LEM_SUMERR", "Summary error bit was set in response"],
00096     0x20815733: [  "LEM_NOIMPL", "Feature not implemented"],
00097     0x20824b4b: [  "LEM_OVRFLW", "Number of items (%d) exceeds maximum (%d)"],
00098     0x20827d97: [  "LEM_MEMERR", "Error allocating memory"],
00099     0x2082c3d7: [  "LEM_PARITY", "There was a parity error on the register read"],
00100     0x208333a8: [ "LEM_SUCCESS", "Success"],
00101     0x20848e97: [ "LEM_LISTERR", "Error handling command list"],
00102     0x208793eb: [ "LEM_INVALID", "Response from AEM Environment register block is invalid"],
00103     0x2089de97: [ "LEM_UNKNOWN", "Cannot map error %08x"],
00104     0x7f0308bb: [  "MSG_GAPEND", "Message blackout ends (%d messages dropped)"],
00105     0x7f0333a8: [ "MSG_SUCCESS", "Success"],
00106     0x7f094bbb: ["MSG_TNM2LONG", "A task name is restricted to <= %d letters"],
00107     0x7f0d2c6b: [ "MSG_PKT2FEW", "Initialization parameter packet count too small"],
00108     0x7f143873: ["MSG_ALOCFAIL", "Could not allocate %d bytes"],
00109     0x7f21b0fb: ["MSG_OUTNTFND", "Target of MSG_deletOutputRtn() not found"],
00110     0x7f268bd7: ["MSG_UNIXEROR", "Unrecognised message 0x%08x (possibly unix error)"],
00111     0x7f26ae38: ["MSG_UNIXGOOD", "Unrecognised message 0x%08x (possibly unix success)"],
00112     0x7f277a58: ["MSG_UNKNOWNS", "Unrecognised message 0x%08x (success)"],
00113     0x7f277a8b: ["MSG_UNKNOWNE", "Unrecognised message 0x%08x (error)"],
00114     0x7f277ab2: ["MSG_UNKNOWNI", "Unrecognised message 0x%08x (information)"],
00115     0x7f277b19: ["MSG_UNKNOWNW", "Unrecognised message 0x%08x (warning)"],
00116     0x7f2a3073: ["MSG_FORKFAIL", "Forking the message task failed"],
00117     0x7f2a6073: ["MSG_FINDFAIL", "Cannot find alternate messages in message database"],
00118     0x7f2b8363: ["MSG_MUALOCFL", "Allocation of mutex failed"],
00119     0x7f2e7873: ["MSG_FPAIFAIL", "FPA initialization failed"],
00120     0x7f2ec073: ["MSG_FPAGFAIL", "FPA_get() failed during start"],
00121     0x7f310e37: ["MSG_GAPBEGIN", "Message blackout starts (trying to report 0x%08x)"],
00122     0x7f326f2b: ["MSG_BADSTATE", "Request illegal in current state of message"],
00123     0x7f3493a3: ["MSG_PKT2SMAL", "Initialization parameter packet length too small"],
00124     0x21005033: [   "PIG_NOSUP", "PIG does not support this feature at this time."],
00125     0x21005927: [   "PIG_NOPDU", "No PDUs are selected for power"],
00126     0x210077f8: [   "PIG_INMUD", "Happy as a pig in mud"],
00127     0x21009433: [   "PIG_UNSUP", "Function unsupported"],
00128     0x210094db: [  "PIG_TEMCFG", "Application of configuration would cause TEM %d to be powered from both PDUs"],
00129     0x210109a2: [  "PIG_SQUEAL", "%s"],
00130     0x2101520b: [ "PIG_RESFORK", "Failed creating result queue with error %08x"],
00131     0x21017b8b: [  "PIG_LCBQUE", "Attempt to execute a command list failed with errors %x"],
00132     0x210194db: [  "PIG_ACDCFG", "Application of configuration would cause the ACD to be powered from both PDUs"],
00133     0x2101abdb: [  "PIG_EPUCFG", "Application of configuration would cause EPU %d to be powered from both PDUs"],
00134     0x210288b3: [  "PIG_FNCALL", "Function call on line %d of function %s returned error %08x"],
00135     0x21032cbb: [  "PIG_BADORD", "An attempt was made to reorder the order array with %d elements into a bad order (repeated or missing elements)"],
00136     0x21033107: [  "PIG_BADCPU", "Bad cpu_id passed to PIG_lcb_start %d"],
00137     0x210333a8: [ "PIG_SUCCESS", "Success"],
00138     0x210399db: [ "PIG_ERRREAD", "Error %x reading %s"],
00139     0x2103a79b: [ "PIG_ERRLOAD", "Error %x executing load number %d"],
00140     0x2104269b: [ "PIG_NTFYTSK", "Failed creating notify queue with error %08x"],
00141     0x2105dc73: [ "PIG_LCBFAIL", "LCB failed to initialise: Final state was %d"],
00142     0x2106760b: [ "PIG_EVTFORK", "Failed creating event queue with error %08x"],
00143     0x210c9ddb: [ "PIG_BADREAD", "Reading %s produced wrong result: 0x%x (received) != 0x%x (expected)"],
00144     0x21250c5b: ["PIG_OVERFLOW", "Too many command items (%d) have been placed on command list (capacity %d)"],
00145   }

Generated on Fri Jul 21 13:26:28 2006 for LATTE R04-12-00 by doxygen 1.4.3