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00001 #!/usr/local/bin/python
00002 #
00003 #                               Copyright 2002
00004 #                                     by
00005 #                        The Board of Trustees of the
00006 #                     Leland Stanford Junior University.
00007 #                            All rights reserved.
00008 #
00010 __facility__ = "Online"
00011 __abstract__ = "Example TKR test application"
00012 __author__   = "R. Claus <> SLAC - GLAST LAT I&T/Online"
00013 __date__     = "11/21/2002"
00014 __version__  = "$Revision: 1.1 $"
00015 __credits__  = "SLAC"
00017 import LATTE.copyright_SLAC
00019 import threading
00020 from   sihippo       import *
00021 from   time          import sleep, time
00022 import random
00023 import math
00024 import logging       as     log
00026 from   LATTE.runcontrol.rcTransitions import rcTransitions
00027 from   LATTE.runcontrol.ArgumentImpl  import ArgumentImpl
00029 from support.MiniGLTExample      import *
00031 #  This class puts up a GUI for inputting a value of some sort.  It is used by
00032 #  the userApplication example to get the number of self triggers to take.
00033 class userArgument(ArgumentImpl):
00034   "GUI for getting the user to input some sort of value."
00035   def __init__(self, parent = None, name = None, modal = 0, fl = 0):
00036     ArgumentImpl.__init__(self, parent, name, modal, fl)
00037     self._value = 0
00038     self.setCaption("Hello world!")
00040   def OKButtonClicked(self):
00041     self._value = int(self.ArgumentList.text().latin1())
00042     self.close()
00044   def CancelButtonClicked(self):
00045     self.__value = None
00046     self.close()    
00048   def getValue(self, caption):
00049     self.setCaption(caption)
00051     self.exec_loop()
00052     return self._value
00054 class userArgText(object):
00055   "Text user interface for getting the user to input some sort of value"
00056   def __init__(self):
00057     pass
00059   def getValue(self, caption):
00060     return int(raw_input("%s: " % (caption)))
00063 #  Example application implementation.
00064 #  Note that the name of the class must be userApplication.
00065 #  Look at rcTransitions for names of other transition methods that can be used.
00066 class userApplication(rcTransitions):
00067   "Implmentation class for a user application"
00068   def __init__(self, gui, userId, debug):
00069     rcTransitions.__init__(self, gui, userId, debug)
00070     log.debug("userApplication.__init__()")
00071     self.phase = 0.0
00073   def getName(self):
00074     return __name__
00076   def setup(self):
00077     log.debug("userApplication.setup()")
00079     if self.gui is None:
00080       self.__arg = userArgText()
00081     else:
00082       self.__arg = self.gui.createGUI(userArgument, self.gui, 'test1', 1)            
00084     self.gui.execGUImethod(self.__initHippo)
00086     # A state transition can be rejected by not returning None
00087     return None
00090   def startRun(self):
00091     log.debug("userApplication.startRun()")
00092     self._cmdSynchQuit = False
00093     caption = "Enter number of data groups to read"
00094     if self.gui is None:
00095       cnt = self.__arg.getValue(caption)
00096     else:
00097       cnt = self.gui.execGUImethod(self.__arg.getValue, caption)
00099     # The user pressed 'Cancel'
00100     if cnt is None:  return -1
00101     self.__cnt = cnt
00103     self.gui.execGUImethod(self.__initPlots)    
00105     #self.hippoDisplay = threading.Thread(None, self.initHippo, 'HippoDisplay', ())
00106     #self.hippoDisplay.start()
00108     # A state transition can be rejected by not returning None
00109     return None
00111   def stopRun(self):
00112     self._cmdSynchQuit = True
00113     #self.__canvas.savePlotAsImage(self.__hist, "c:/temp/plot.jpg")
00114     #self.__canvas.savePlotAsImage(self.__hist2, "c:/temp/plot2.jpg")
00116     # The STOP_RUN transition can not be rejected
00118   def stop (self):
00119     return self.stopRun()
00121   def teardown(self):
00122     log.debug("userApplication.teardown()")    
00123     # Allow the C++ object to be deleted   
00124     if self.gui is not None and self.__arg is not None:
00125       self.__arg.deleteLater()    
00127   def process(self, (status, buffer)):
00128     "Method called back for each data event taken"
00129     ###print "userApplication.process()"
00131   def commandSynch(self):
00132     "Method called by the command synchronization task"
00133     count = self.__cnt
00134     cnt = 0    
00135     while cnt < count and not self._cmdSynchQuit:
00136       if self.phase > math.pi - 0.0001: self.phase = 0.0
00137       cnt = cnt + 1
00138       volts = math.sin(self.phase) * (-1.0 +2.0*random.random())
00139       amps  = 0.8 - (2.0 * self.phase/math.pi) +0.4*random.random()
00140       self.__nt.addRow([cnt, volts])
00141       self.__nt2.addRow([cnt, amps])
00142       sleep(.1)
00143       self.phase += math.pi*0.02
00145   def wait(self):
00146     pass
00148   def __initHippo(self):
00149     label1 = ['Time', 'TEM Voltage']
00150     label2 = ['Time', 'TEM Current']    
00151     ntc = NTupleController.instance()
00152     self.__nt = ntc.createCircularBuffer(2)
00153     self.__nt2 = ntc.createCircularBuffer(2)
00154     self.__nt.setLabels(label1)    
00155     self.__nt2.setLabels(label2)        
00156     self.__nt.setTitle('GTIC Test')
00157     self.__nt2.setTitle('GTIC Test2')
00158     self.__nt.reserve(100)    
00159     self.__nt2.reserve(100)    
00160     if __name__ == "__main__":
00161       app = QApplication ( sys.argv )
00162       self.__canvas = CanvasWindow()
00163     else:
00164       wc = WindowController.instance()
00165       self.__canvas = wc.currentCanvas()
00167     #hist.setRange ( 'y', 2660, 2680 )
00168     #hist2.setRange ( 'y', 200, 300 )
00170   def __initPlots(self):
00171     self.__canvas.clear()
00172     self.__nt.clear()
00173     self.__nt2.clear()
00174     #self.__nt.setIntervalCount ( 500 )
00175     #self.__nt2.setIntervalCount ( 100 )
00176     dc = DisplayController.instance()
00177     self.__hist = dc.createDisplay('Strip Chart',self.__nt,['Time', 'TEM Voltage'])
00178     self.__hist2 = dc.createDisplay('Strip Chart',self.__nt2,['Time', 'TEM Current'])
00179     self.__canvas.addDisplay(self.__hist)
00180     self.__canvas.addDisplay(self.__hist2)    
00181     #self.__canvas.setIntervalEnabled ( 1 )
00185 if __name__ == "__main__":
00186   ua = userApplication(None, 321, 0)
00187   ua.rcSetup('../repos/simpleTEMSchema.xml')
00188   ua.rcStartRun()
00189   ua.wait()
00190   ua.rcStopRun()
00191   ua.rcTeardown()
00192   raw_input("Press any key to end")
00194 # History:
00195 #     $Log:,v $
00196 #     Revision 1.1  2004/08/18 18:00:15  stuvi
00197 #     Updated for LATTE 4.
00198 #     All hippo functions go through the Qt GUI bridge now.
00199 #
00200 #     Revision 1.9  2004/05/03 21:19:47  stuvi
00201 #     Moved non-Runcontrol scripts to the support directory and modified imports accordingly.
00202 #
00203 #     Revision 1.8  2004/04/17 02:22:17  stuvi
00204 #     Various Hippo related fixes
00205 #     Added teardown() to delete the C++ object for the userArgument
00206 #
00207 #     Revision 1.7  2004/04/07 23:28:29  stuvi
00208 #     Modularized hippodraw code.
00209 #
00210 #     Revision 1.6  2004/03/31 01:03:21  stuvi
00211 #     Fixed so that it works with the new trigger interface.
00212 #
00213 #     Revision 1.5  2004/03/10 22:24:50  panetta
00214 #     Upgraded trigger interface.
00215 #     Removed dependencies on self.glt.
00216 #
00217 #     Revision 1.4  2004/02/24 02:13:34  stuvi
00218 #     Changes for long transition support.
00219 #
00220 #     Revision 1.3  2003/07/17 00:01:35  stuvi
00221 #     no message
00222 #
00223 #     Revision 1.2  2003/03/31 19:28:53  stuvi
00224 #     Fixed name
00225 #
00226 #     Revision 1.1  2003/03/11 21:20:54  stuvi
00227 #     Moved from RunControl directory
00228 #
00229 #     Revision 1.2  2003/02/06 05:20:22  claus
00230 #     Added resume; StopRun bug fix
00231 #
00232 #     Revision 1.1  2003/01/10 01:41:52  stuvi
00233 #     Example strip chart example for hippo
00234 #
00235 #     Revision 1.1  2002/12/10 00:59:16  stuvi
00236 #     Runcontrol example that uses Hippo. Currently it doesn't work in GUI mode.
00237 #
00238 #     Revision 1.4  2002/12/02 17:17:09  claus
00239 #     Added provision to allow application to run stand-alone
00240 #
00241 #     Revision 1.3  2002/11/28 02:02:04  claus
00242 #     Shuffled constructor arguments
00243 #
00244 #     Revision 1.2  2002/11/27 23:49:27  claus
00245 #     Initialize semaphore with zero count
00246 #
00247 #     Revision 1.1  2002/11/27 05:02:48  claus
00248 #     Initial version of Run Control
00249 #

Generated on Fri Jul 21 13:26:30 2006 for LATTE R04-12-00 by doxygen 1.4.3