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00001 #!/usr/local/bin/python
00002 #
00003 #                               Copyright 2002
00004 #                                     by
00005 #                        The Board of Trustees of the
00006 #                     Leland Stanford Junior University.
00007 #                            All rights reserved.
00008 #
00010 __facility__ = "Online"
00011 __abstract__ = "Example test suite"
00012 __author__   = "S. Tuvi <> SLAC - GLAST LAT I&T/Online"
00013 __date__     = ("$Date: 2005/05/17 01:33:03 $").split(' ')[1]
00014 __version__  = "$Revision: 1.5 $"
00015 __credits__  = "SLAC"
00017 import LATTE.copyright_SLAC
00019 # History:
00020 #     $Log:,v $
00021 #     Revision 1.5  2005/05/17 01:33:03  stuvi
00022 #     As per LTE-264, added support for standalone suites and scripts.
00023 #
00024 #     Revision 1.4  2005/01/27 23:06:48  stuvi
00025 #     Removed the lastScript parameter from the second scriptRun
00026 #     We don't  have to check if the script was stopped in order to call doStopRun method.
00027 #
00028 #     Revision 1.3  2005/01/11 22:39:55  stuvi
00029 #     no message
00030 #
00031 #     Revision 1.2  2004/10/20 03:44:55  stuvi
00032 #     Commented out the selection of another schema since we want to use the one selected by RunControl.
00033 #
00034 #     Revision 1.1  2004/08/07 02:10:42  stuvi
00035 #     Test suite examples.
00036 #
00037 #     Revision 1.5  2004/01/24 00:27:17  stuvi
00038 #     Modified to use the appdir from preferences
00039 #
00040 #     Revision 1.4  2003/12/11 01:53:00  stuvi
00041 #     Now calling the regular test applications to show that there is no need to change the tests to run them in suites.
00042 #
00043 #     Revision 1.3  2003/12/11 01:23:27  stuvi
00044 #     Modified and documented the code according to the new rcSuite implementation.
00045 #
00046 #     Revision 1.2  2003/07/26 04:15:30  stuvi
00047 #     Fixed schema path
00048 #
00049 #     Revision 1.1  2003/03/28 03:21:41  stuvi
00050 #     Fixed FITS file status display
00051 #     Added test suite capability
00052 #
00054 from   LATTE.runcontrol.rcSuite import rcSuite
00055 import logging as     log
00056 import                os
00059 class userSuite(rcSuite):
00060   "Implmentation class for a user application"
00061   def __init__(self, gui, userId, debug):
00062     rcSuite.__init__(self, gui, userId, debug)
00063     log.debug("userSuite.__init__()")
00065   def getName(self):
00066     return __name__
00068   def setupSuite(self):
00069     # This method is executed after rcStartSuite successfully loads a schema (either
00070     # through the RunControl GUI or by reusing a previously loaded schema)
00071     #self.__schema = os.path.join(os.environ['ONLINE_ROOT'], 'LATTE/repos/simpleTemSchema.xml')
00072     pass
00074   def pauseSuite(self):
00075     # This method is executed before the currently running application is paused.
00076     # Note that there is currently no way to pause a suite, meaning if there is some
00077     # lengthy code that executes between scriptRun calls, that can not be paused.
00078     # Pause can be rejected by not returning None
00079     log.debug("userSuite.pauseSuite")
00080     return None
00082   def startSuite(self):
00083     try:
00085       # We pass the sesssion variables using a dictionary.
00086       # The set/getSessionVar methods can also be used.
00087       # Please do not use session variables which start with the "_" (underscore)
00088       # character as these are reserved for RunControl use
00089       sessionContext = {"test":"abc"}
00091       # The module name can either be a python file name or a module name
00092       # If a full path is specified then the module at that location is used
00093       # otherwise the PYTHONPATH is searched
00095       # The following script will change the value of session var "test"
00096       appDir = self.gui.preferences()['appdir']
00097       sessionStateAfterTest1 = self.scriptRun(module=os.path.join(appDir,'testAppCal'),
00098                                               context=sessionContext)
00100       # The following script will print the value of session var "test" and modify it
00101       sessionStateAfterTest2 = self.scriptRun(module=os.path.join(appDir,'testAppEvt'))
00103       print sessionStateAfterTest1
00104       print sessionStateAfterTest2
00106       # The schema for subsequent tests or suites can be changed using the following methods.
00107       # The schema chosen when the top level suite was selected in RunControl is still saved
00108       # in case the operator checked the "Reuse schema" checkbox on the load application dialog
00109       #self.readSchema(self.__schema)
00110       #self.applyConfig()
00112       # When the stop button is clicked a StopRequestedException is thrown after which
00113       # the current executing application is interrupted and rcStoprun and rcTeardown
00114       # is called. The suite calling the application should trap the exception using
00115       # a try block as demonstrated below and take the appropriate action.
00116       #
00117       # StopRequestedException class has three members. "msg" contains a generic message,
00118       # "suite" contains the name of the suite that was executing when the stop button was
00119       # clicked. Note that currently only the immediate parent suite name is recorded in
00120       # the exception. The third member is the "module" which contains the name of the
00121       # application that was executing at the time.
00122       self.scriptRun(module=os.path.join(appDir,'testSuite2'))
00123     except rcSuite.StopRequestedException, e:
00124"%s, suite: %s, module: %s" % (e.msg, e.suite, e.module))
00126     # Normally the suite appears to be running even after all the tests have been completed.
00127     # In order to stop the suite the operator must click on the stop button. Alternatively
00128     # the suite can issue the stop by calling self.gui.doStopRun similar to the way it is
00129     # done with applications. Note that a flag is being used to make sure that rcStopSuite
00130     # hasn't already been called (ie. the suite was interrupted before it completed).
00131     if self.gui is not None:
00132       self.gui.doStopRun()
00134   # stopSuite is called after rcStopSuite has been executed. If a sub-suite within the suite
00135   # is currently executing then the sub-suite's rcStopSuite is called and then this method
00136   # is called.
00137   def stopSuite(self):
00138"End of suite 1")
00140 class userSuiteCallbacks(rcSuite.SuiteCallbacks):
00141   def __init__(self):
00142     pass
00144   def beforeSetupSuite(self, suite):
00145"Before setupSuite")
00147   def beforeStartSuite(self, suite):
00148"Before startSuite")
00150   def afterStopSuite(self, suite):
00151"After stopSuite")
00153 # Standalone mode:
00154 if __name__ == "__main__":
00156   mycb = userSuiteCallbacks()
00157   usl = rcSuite.StandaloneLauncher(logLevel="INFO")
00158   usl.launch(suiteClass=userSuite, user=321, callbacks=mycb)

Generated on Fri Jul 21 13:26:33 2006 for LATTE R04-12-00 by doxygen 1.4.3