
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/local/bin/python
00002 #
00003 #                               Copyright 2005
00004 #                                     by
00005 #                        The Board of Trustees of the
00006 #                     Leland Stanford Junior University.
00007 #                            All rights reserved.
00008 #
00010 __facility__ = "Online"
00011 __abstract__ = "Hardware Configuration Selector"
00012 __author__   = "S. Tuvi <STuvi@SLAC.Stanford.edu>"
00013 __date__     = "2005/09/15 23:45:02"
00014 __updated__  = "$Date: 2006/04/07 01:17:13 $"
00015 __version__  = "$Revision: 1.3 $"
00016 __release__  = "$Name: HEAD $"
00017 __credits__  = "SLAC"
00019 import LICOS.copyright_SLAC
00021 from qt import *
00022 import logging as log
00023 import time
00024 import sys
00025 import types
00027 from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError
00029 from LICOS.scriptEngine.HwCfgSelector         import HwCfgSelector
00030 from LICOS.util.gOptions                      import Options
00032 class HwCfgSelectorImpl(HwCfgSelector):
00033   """!\brief Hardware Configuration Selector.
00035   """
00037   CFG_PREFIX  = 'lat-config'
00038   CROSS_STRAP = ['AA','AB','BA','BB']
00039   MAX_CONFIG  = 9
00041   def __init__(self, common, parent = None, name = None, fl = 0):
00042     """!\brief HwCfgSelectorImpl constructor.
00044     \param common    ScriptEngineCommon instance
00045     \param parent    The parent GUI (typically the Run Control GUI)
00046     \param name      Name of the GUI
00047     \param fl        Qt flags
00048     """
00049     HwCfgSelector.__init__(self, parent, name, fl)
00050     self.connect(self.buttonOK, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.screenToPrefs)
00051     self.connect(self.buttonCancel, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.cancel)
00052     self.connect(self.bgPresetConfig, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.configToScreen)
00053     self.connect(self.checkUnlock, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.allowDisallow)
00054     self.connect(self.bgSiuSelect, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00055     self.connect(self.bgDaqSelect, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00056     self.connect(self.bgEpuAselect, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00057     self.connect(self.bgEpuBselect, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00058     self.connect(self.bgGasuFeed, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00059     self.connect(self.bgGasuPriRed, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00060     self.connect(self.bgSiuPriRed, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00061     self.connect(self.bgPduPriRed, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00062     self.connect(self.bgAcdHvbs, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self.updatePresetConfig)
00063     if type(common) is types.StringType:
00064       # For debugging purposes
00065       self.__vscConfig = common
00066       self.__common = common
00067       self.initialize()
00068     else:
00069       self.__vscConfig = common.options().vscConfig
00070       self.__common = common
00071       self.initialize()
00072       self.prefsToScreen()
00074   def initialize(self):
00075     config = ConfigParser()
00076     config.readfp(file(self.__vscConfig))
00077     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgPresetConfig, 0)
00078     self.disallowChanges()
00079     for section in config.sections():
00080       if section.startswith(self.CFG_PREFIX):
00081         cfgId = int(section[len(self.CFG_PREFIX):])
00082         button = self.bgPresetConfig.find(cfgId-1)
00083         button.setEnabled(1)
00084     self.__config = config
00086   def allowDisallow(self):
00087     if self.checkUnlock.isOn():
00088       self.allowChanges()
00089     else:
00090       self.disallowChanges()
00092   def allowChanges(self):
00093     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgSiuSelect, 1)
00094     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgDaqSelect, 1)
00095     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgEpuAselect, 1)
00096     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgEpuBselect, 1)
00097     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgGasuFeed, 1)
00098     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgGasuPriRed, 1)
00099     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgSiuPriRed, 1)
00100     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgPduPriRed, 1)
00101     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgAcdHvbs, 1)
00103   def disallowChanges(self):
00104     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgSiuSelect, 0)
00105     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgDaqSelect, 0)
00106     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgEpuAselect, 0)
00107     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgEpuBselect, 0)
00108     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgGasuFeed, 0)
00109     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgGasuPriRed, 0)
00110     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgSiuPriRed, 0)
00111     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgPduPriRed, 0)
00112     self.setButtonGroup(self.bgAcdHvbs, 0)
00114   def setButtonGroup(self, buttonGroup, enable):
00115     for i in range(buttonGroup.count()):
00116       button = buttonGroup.find(i)
00117       button.setEnabled(enable)
00119   def configToScreen(self, id):
00120     section = "%s%d" % (self.CFG_PREFIX, id+1)
00121     siuSelect = self.__config.get(section, 'siuSelect')
00122     self.bgSiuSelect.find(self.CROSS_STRAP.index(siuSelect)).setOn(1)
00123     daqSelect = self.__config.get(section, 'daqSelect')
00124     self.bgDaqSelect.find(self.CROSS_STRAP.index(daqSelect)).setOn(1)
00125     siuIdPhysical = int(self.__config.get(section, 'siuIdPhysical'))
00126     self.bgSiuPriRed.find(siuIdPhysical ^ 1).setOn(1)
00127     pduId = int(self.__config.get(section, 'pduId'))
00128     self.bgPduPriRed.find(pduId).setOn(1)
00129     primaryFeed = int(self.__config.get(section, 'primaryFeed'))
00130     self.bgGasuFeed.find(primaryFeed ^ 1).setOn(1)
00131     gasuPriRed = int(self.__config.get(section, 'primaryGasu'))
00132     self.bgGasuPriRed.find(gasuPriRed ^ 1).setOn(1)
00133     epuAid = int(self.__config.get(section, 'firstEpuId'))
00134     self.bgEpuAselect.find(epuAid).setOn(1)
00135     epuBid = int(self.__config.get(section, 'secondEpuId'))
00136     self.bgEpuBselect.find(epuBid).setOn(1)
00137     acdHvbs = int(self.__config.get(section, 'hvbs'))
00138     self.bgAcdHvbs.find(acdHvbs-1).setOn(1)
00140   def prefsToScreen(self):
00141     if 'hwConfig' in self.__common.preferences():
00142       hwConfig = self.__common.preferences()['hwConfig']
00143       self.bgSiuSelect.find(self.CROSS_STRAP.index(hwConfig['siuSelect'])).setOn(1)
00144       self.bgDaqSelect.find(self.CROSS_STRAP.index(hwConfig['daqSelect'])).setOn(1)
00145       self.bgSiuPriRed.find(hwConfig['siuIdPhysical'] ^ 1).setOn(1)
00146       self.bgPduPriRed.find(hwConfig['pduId']).setOn(1)
00147       self.bgGasuFeed.find(hwConfig['primaryFeed'] ^ 1).setOn(1)
00148       self.bgGasuPriRed.find(hwConfig['primaryGasu'] ^ 1).setOn(1)
00149       self.bgEpuAselect.find(hwConfig['firstEpuId']).setOn(1)
00150       self.bgEpuBselect.find(hwConfig['secondEpuId']).setOn(1)
00151       self.bgAcdHvbs.find(hwConfig['hvbs'] - 1).setOn(1)
00152       self.updatePresetConfig()
00154   def matchStandardConfig(self):
00155     for id in range(1, self.MAX_CONFIG+1):
00156       match = True
00157       section = "%s%d" % (self.CFG_PREFIX, id)
00158       siuSelect = self.CROSS_STRAP.index(self.__config.get(section, 'siuSelect'))
00159       match &= (self.bgSiuSelect.selectedId() == siuSelect)
00160       daqSelect = self.CROSS_STRAP.index(self.__config.get(section, 'daqSelect'))
00161       match &= (self.bgDaqSelect.selectedId() == daqSelect)
00162       siuIdPhysical = int(self.__config.get(section, 'siuIdPhysical')) ^ 1
00163       match &= (self.bgSiuPriRed.selectedId() == siuIdPhysical)
00164       pduId = int(self.__config.get(section, 'pduId'))
00165       match &= (self.bgPduPriRed.selectedId() == pduId)
00166       primaryFeed = int(self.__config.get(section, 'primaryFeed')) ^ 1
00167       match &= (self.bgGasuFeed.selectedId() == primaryFeed)
00168       primaryGasu = int(self.__config.get(section, 'primaryGasu')) ^ 1
00169       match &= (self.bgGasuPriRed.selectedId() == primaryGasu)
00170       firstEpuId = int(self.__config.get(section, 'firstEpuId'))
00171       match &= (self.bgEpuAselect.selectedId() == firstEpuId)
00172       secondEpuId = int(self.__config.get(section, 'secondEpuId'))
00173       match &= (self.bgEpuBselect.selectedId() == secondEpuId)
00174       acdHvbs = int(self.__config.get(section, 'hvbs')) - 1
00175       match &= (self.bgAcdHvbs.selectedId() == acdHvbs)
00176       if match:
00177         return id
00179   def updatePresetConfig(self):
00180     cfgId = self.matchStandardConfig()
00181     if cfgId is None:
00182       for i in range(self.MAX_CONFIG):
00183         self.bgPresetConfig.find(i).setOn(0)
00184     else:
00185       self.bgPresetConfig.find(cfgId-1).setOn(1)
00187   def screenToPrefs(self):
00188     hwConfig = {}
00189     siuSelect = self.bgSiuSelect.selectedId()
00190     if siuSelect == -1:
00191       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00192                             "SIU cross-strapping not selected")
00193       return
00194     hwConfig['siuSelect'] = self.CROSS_STRAP[siuSelect]
00195     daqSelect = self.bgDaqSelect.selectedId()
00196     if daqSelect == -1:
00197       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00198                             "DAQ cross-strapping not selected")
00199       return
00200     hwConfig['daqSelect'] = self.CROSS_STRAP[daqSelect]
00201     siuIdPhysical = self.bgSiuPriRed.selectedId()
00202     if siuIdPhysical == -1:
00203       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00204                             "Primary or Redundant SIU not selected")
00205       return
00206     hwConfig['siuIdPhysical'] = siuIdPhysical ^ 1
00207     pduId = self.bgPduPriRed.selectedId()
00208     if pduId == -1:
00209       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00210                             "Primary or Redundant PDU not selected")
00211       return
00212     hwConfig['pduId'] = pduId
00213     primaryFeed = self.bgGasuFeed.selectedId()
00214     if primaryFeed == -1:
00215       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00216                             "Primary or Redundant GASU feed not selected")
00217       return
00218     hwConfig['primaryFeed'] = primaryFeed ^ 1
00219     primaryGasu = self.bgGasuPriRed.selectedId()
00220     if primaryGasu == -1:
00221       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00222                             "Primary or Redundant GASU not selected")
00223       return
00224     hwConfig['primaryGasu'] = primaryGasu ^ 1
00225     firstEpuId = self.bgEpuAselect.selectedId()
00226     if firstEpuId == -1:
00227       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00228                             "EPU-A not selected")
00229       return
00230     hwConfig['firstEpuId'] = firstEpuId
00231     secondEpuId = self.bgEpuBselect.selectedId()
00232     if secondEpuId == -1:
00233       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00234                             "EPU-B not selected")
00235       return
00236     hwConfig['secondEpuId'] = secondEpuId
00237     hvbs = self.bgAcdHvbs.selectedId()
00238     if hvbs == -1:
00239       QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error",
00240                             "ACD HVBS not selected")
00241       return
00242     hwConfig['hvbs'] = hvbs + 1
00243     hvbs = self.bgAcdHvbs.selectedId()
00244     preset = self.bgPresetConfig.selectedId()
00245     if preset == -1:
00246       result = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning",
00247                           "You have selected a non-standard configuration.\n" + \
00248                           "Are you sure you want to continue?",
00249                           "&Yes", "&No")
00250       if result == 1:
00251         return
00252     else:
00253       preset += 1
00254     hwConfig['preset'] = preset
00256     if type(self.__common) is not types.StringType:
00257       self.__common.prefMan().setPref('hwConfig', hwConfig)
00258     else:
00259       print hwConfig
00260     QDialog.done(self, QDialog.Accepted)
00262   def cancel(self):
00263     """!\brief Cancel button is clicked.
00265     """
00266     QDialog.done(self, QDialog.Rejected)
00269 def usage():
00270   """!\brief Output command line usage.
00272   """
00273   return """
00275 HwCfgSelectorImpl Usage:
00277 Mandatory options:
00278 --config    specify the VSC config file
00280 Example:
00281 $ HwCfgSelectorImpl --config vsc_mcr.cfg
00283 """
00285 if __name__ == "__main__":
00286   log.getLogger().setLevel(log.INFO)
00288   options = Options(['config'])
00289   try:
00290     options.parse()
00291   except Exception, msg:
00292     options.usage(usage())
00293     raise Exception, msg
00295   a = QApplication(sys.argv)
00296   dm = HwCfgSelectorImpl(options.config)
00297   a.setMainWidget(dm)
00298   dm.show()
00299   a.exec_loop()

Generated on Thu Apr 27 20:52:42 2006 for LICOS L02-01-00 by doxygen 1.4.6-NO