Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/local/bin/python
00002 #
00003 #                               Copyright 2005
00004 #                                     by
00005 #                        The Board of Trustees of the
00006 #                     Leland Stanford Junior University.
00007 #                            All rights reserved.
00008 #
00010 __facility__ = "Online"
00011 __abstract__ = "GLAST LICOS Packet Monitor Preferences handler"
00012 __author__   = "A. Kavelaars <> SLAC - GLAST LAT I&T/Online"
00013 __date__     = "11/15/2005"
00014 __version__  = "$Revision: 1.7 $"
00015 __credits__  = "SLAC"
00017 import LICOS.copyright_SLAC
00019 import os
00020 from   qt                 import *
00021 import logging            as myLog
00022 import ConfigParser
00023 from   packetMonitorPrefs import packetMonitorPrefs
00024 from   LICOS.lib.LATconstants       import *
00028 class packetMonitorPrefsImpl(packetMonitorPrefs):
00029   """!
00030   \brief Class for managing Packet Monitor user's preferences
00032   The Packet Monitor keeps a user's preferences information in a file that is
00033   called .pktmonrc when returns 'posix', and pktmon.cfg otherwise, e.g.
00034   Windows. If the file doesn't exist, a set of defaults are used.
00035   These will be written to a file in the packet monitor source directory if
00036   it is writable. Packet Monitor searches for the preferences file in the
00037   following directories in the order specified:
00038   the current directory, the directory pointed to by the HOME environment variable,
00039   and the Packet Monitor source directory.
00040   """
00042   def __init__(self, confParser, parent = None,name = None,modal = 0,fl = 0):
00043     packetMonitorPrefs.__init__(self,parent,name,modal,fl)
00045     self.__gui = parent
00046     self.__confParser = confParser
00048     for style in QStyleFactory.keys():
00049       self.styleCombo.insertItem(style)
00051     # Load configuration from file
00052     self.loadConfig()
00054     self.connect(self.styleCombo,       SIGNAL("activated(const QString&)"), self.selectStyle)
00055     self.connect(self.fontButton,       SIGNAL("clicked()"),                 self.selectFont)
00056     self.connect(self.defaultSysButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),                 self.setSysDefaults)
00057     self.connect(self.defaultMonButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"),                 self.setMonDefaults)
00058     self.connect(self.buttonOk,         SIGNAL('clicked()'),                 self.savePrefs)
00060   def loadConfigFile(self):
00061     # Format file name
00062     if == "posix":
00063       configName = ".pktmonrc"
00064     else:
00065       configName = "pktmon.cfg"
00066     # Look for file in current directory
00067     configFile = "./" + configName
00068     # If not found, look for file in HOME directory
00069     if not os.path.exists(configFile):
00070       try:
00071         home = os.environ['HOME']
00072         configFile = os.path.expandvars('$HOME/%s' % configName)    # Home directory
00073       except KeyError:
00074         print "HOME environment variable does not exist"
00075       # If not found in HOME (either because it does not exist or HOME is not set) look in SOURCE directory.
00076       if not os.path.exists(configFile):
00077         configFile = os.path.join(ONLINE_ROOT, 'LICOS/tools/monitor/%s' % configName)
00079     self.__configFile = configFile
00081   def loadConfig(self):
00082     """ Loads configuration from file if configuration file exists.
00083     """
00084     self.loadConfigFile()
00085     cp = self.__confParser
00086     if os.path.exists(self.__configFile):
00088       try:
00089          # Main Window Size, always saved when parent gui closes.
00090         width  = cp.get("pktmon options", "mainWidth")
00091         height = cp.get("pktmon options", "mainHeight")
00092         self.__gui.resize(int(width), int(height))
00093         # Style
00094         style = cp.get("pktmon options", "style")
00095         if QString(style) in QStyleFactory.keys():
00096           for i in range(0, self.styleCombo.count()):
00097             item = self.styleCombo.setCurrentItem(i)
00098             if style == str(self.styleCombo.currentText()):
00099               break
00100           #~ self.styleCombo.setCurrentText(style)
00101         QApplication.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create(style))
00102         # Font
00103         font = QApplication.font()
00104         fontFamily = cp.get("pktmon options", 'fontfamily')
00105         font.setFamily(fontFamily)
00106         fontSize = cp.get("pktmon options", 'fontsize')
00107         font.setPointSize(int(fontSize))
00108         fontWeight = cp.get("pktmon options", 'fontweight')
00109         font.setWeight(int(fontWeight))
00110         fontItalic = cp.get("pktmon options", 'fontitalic')
00111         font.setItalic(int(fontItalic))
00112         QApplication.setFont(font, 1)
00113         # Monitor Row values
00114         maxRow = cp.get("pktmon options", 'maxrow')
00115         self.maxRow.setText(str(maxRow))
00116         delRow = cp.get("pktmon options", 'delrow')
00117         self.delRow.setText(str(delRow))
00118       except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
00119         pass
00120       except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
00121         pass
00122       except IOError, e:
00123         myLog.warning("Preferences file not loaded due to: %s" % e)
00124     # Pass row values to GUI
00125     #~ self.__gui.passRowValues()
00128   def __defaults(self):
00129     """ Load default values into configuration file. OBSOLETE.
00130     """
00131     cp = self.__confParser
00132     cp.set("pktmon options", "fontfamily", 'LucidaTypewriter')
00133     cp.set("pktmon options", "fontsize",   8)
00134     cp.set("pktmon options", "fontweight", 50)
00135     cp.set("pktmon options", "fontitalic", 0)
00136     #~ cp.set("pktmon options", "mainWidth",  self.__gui.width())
00137     #~ cp.set("pktmon options", "mainHeight", self.__gui.height())
00139   def setSysDefaults(self):
00140     """ Load default GUI values.
00141     """
00142     self.__gui.resize(775, 625)
00143     if == "posix":
00144       style = 'Bluecurve'
00145     elif == 'nt':
00146       style = 'WindowsXP'
00147     else:
00148       style = 'Default'
00149     family = 'Sans'
00150     font = QApplication.font()
00151     font.setFamily(family)
00152     font.setPointSize(10)
00153     font.setWeight(48)
00154     font.setItalic(0)
00155     QApplication.setFont(font, 1)
00156     QApplication.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create(style))
00157     # Find Style in list and select it
00158     notListed = True
00159     for i in range(0, self.styleCombo.count()):
00160       item = self.styleCombo.setCurrentItem(i)
00161       if style == str(self.styleCombo.currentText()):
00162         notListed = False
00163         break
00164     # Create default style at end of list if it does not exist
00165     if notListed:
00166       self.styleCombo.insertItem('Default', -1)
00167       self.styleCombo.setCurrentItem(self.styleCombo.count() - 1)
00169   def setMonDefaults(self):
00170     """ Sets Monitors' default maximum number of rows and
00171         number of rows deleted when this number is reached.
00172     """
00173     self.delRow.setText(str(100))
00174     self.maxRow.setText(str(1000))
00176   def selectStyle(self, style):
00177     """ Sets the application style to the selected style.
00178     """
00179     QApplication.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create(style))
00180     #~ cp = self.__confParser
00181     #~ cp.set("pktmon options", "style", str(style))
00183   def selectFont(self):
00184     """ Calls a select font dialog and sets the application font
00185         to the selected font value.
00186     """
00187     ok = 0
00188     oldfont = QApplication.font()
00189     newfont, ok = QFontDialog.getFont(oldfont, self)
00190     if ok:
00191       try:
00192         QApplication.setFont(newfont, 1)
00193       except IOError, e:
00194         myLog.warning("New font not loaded due to: %s" % e)
00195         print "New font not loaded"
00197   def saveMainWindowSize(self):
00198     """ Saves Main Window Size when it is closed.
00199     """
00200     cp = self.__confParser
00201     if not cp.has_section("pktmon options"):
00202       cp.add_section("pktmon options")
00203     cp.set("pktmon options", "mainWidth",  self.__gui.width())
00204     cp.set("pktmon options", "mainHeight", self.__gui.height())
00205     try:
00206       cp.write(file(self.__configFile, "w+"))
00207     except IOError, e:
00208       myLog.warning("Preferences file not saved due to: %s" % e)
00210   def savePrefs(self):
00211     """ Saves preferences when pressing the OK button of the
00212         Preferences Dialog.
00213     """
00214     cp = self.__confParser
00215     if not cp.has_section("pktmon options"):
00216       cp.add_section("pktmon options")
00217     # Font
00218     font = QApplication.font()
00219     cp.set("pktmon options", "fontfamily", str(
00220     cp.set("pktmon options", "fontsize",   font.pointSize())
00221     cp.set("pktmon options", "fontweight", font.weight())
00222     if font.italic():
00223       fontitalic = 1
00224     else:
00225       fontitalic = 0
00226     cp.set("pktmon options", 'fontitalic', fontitalic)
00227     # Style
00228     style = self.styleCombo.currentText()
00229     cp.set("pktmon options", "style", str(style))
00230     # Montior Rows
00231     maxRow = str(self.maxRow.text())
00232     delRow = str(self.delRow.text())
00233     cp.set("pktmon options", "maxrow", maxRow)
00234     cp.set("pktmon options", "delrow", delRow)
00235     # Write it out
00236     try:
00237       cp.write(file(self.__configFile, "w+"))
00238     except IOError, e:
00239       myLog.warning("Preferences file not saved due to: %s" % e)
00240     self.__gui.passRowValues()
00241     self.accept()

Generated on Thu Apr 27 20:52:42 2006 for LICOS L02-01-00 by doxygen 1.4.6-NO