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HippoDraw Library Overview

The design of this tool kit is an attempt to decompose into abstractions the process of displaying data in various ways on the screen or printer. Thus, there are a number of class hierarchies with each hierarchy representing an aspect of the decomposition.

The base classes are partially pure abstract in that they contain pure virtual member functions. However, they also contain some concrete implementation when it is deemed appropriate. That is where the majority of all derived classes will want to share a common implementation.

This overview of the library will present the overview each class hierarchy along with an overview of the object data structure. It is easier to understand the purpose of each class hierarchy in context of the object data structure.

The class hierarchies are




Data Representation


Projected Value

Point representation


Binner Axis



A view object is responsible for all drawing to a display device. Typically, a display device is a computer's display screen or a file sent to a printer. The base class for the view hierarchy is mostly abstract. All drawing is done by the interface defined by this class. A derived class provides a concrete implementation and probably relies on a particular graphics toolkit. An example is QtView which uses the Qt class library.

A view is an Observer of a PlotterBase object, the base class of Plotter hierarchy. When it receives the Observer::update message, it initiates drawing by calling back the PlotterBase object with a pointer to itself.

The base class for view is ViewBase. See the documentation for ViewBase for more details.


A plotter is the manager of all drawing and controller of the axis scales. It delegates the actual drawing to members of other hierarchies. The axis are drawn by a derived class of AxisRepBase. The drawing of the data representation is done by a Data Representation. More than one data representation can be drawn in the same plot.

The axis scales are maintained by derived class of AxisModelBase. A plotter also owns a Transform which may transform the data values from one coordinate system to another. For example, if the Y axis is on a logarithmic scale, it is a Transform object that does the transformation.

A plotter is an Observer of its Data Representation objects and an Observable.

The base class for plotters is PlotterBase. See the documentation for PlotterBase for more details.


Before drawing a view, a Point representation object uses a transform object to transform from one coordinate to a another coordinate. A frequently used example of this feature is for Y axis to be on a logarithm scale rather than a linear scale.

A transform is usually based on two coordinates, X and Y and the BinaryTransform class represents this abstraction. However, frequently the transform on the X and Y axis are independent of each other. The XYTransform class implements this kind of binary transform. It uses two objects that do the transform on each axis. These objects instances of classes derived from UnaryTransform.

Transforms in which the coordinates on the X and Y axis are not independent are also possible. For example, the HammerAito transform implements a form of binary transform that uses latitude and longitude coordinates create Hammer-Aitoff projection.

The base class for transforms is TransformBase. However, it is not used directly since the minimum transform requires two coordinates. See the documentation for TransformBase for more details.

Data Representation

A data representation is responsible for both transforming the raw data to values projected on the display device and managing their drawing. The simplest of data representations is the ScatterPlot. It takes a pair of raw data values, creates a Projected Value by taking one as an X coordinate and the other as Y coordinate. A more complex one is a DyHistogram which takes a single set of raw data, histograms them, and creates a set Projected Value objects based on the histogram contents. A plot using a DyHistogram data representation is shown below.

DyHistogram data representation

A data representation delegates the task of dealing with the raw data to a Projector. It also delegates its task of draw the Projected Value object to a Point representation.

The base class for data representation classes is DataRep. Most of the functionality of the data representation is implemented in this base class. Derived classes have constructor to instantiates a Projector and Projected Value appropriate for their representation.

A data representation is an Observer of its Projector and is an Observable.

See the documentation for DataRep for more details.


Projectors are responsible for dealing with the raw data and providing a set of Projected Value objects. For example, the DyHist1DProjector reads a set of raw data, creates a histogram, and uses its bin contents to create the set of Projected Value objects.

Some projectors delegate part of their tasks to other objects. For example, a BinningProjector uses a Binner. The projector provides the binner with the set of values then asks it to create the projected value objects.

Projectors provide access to the Projected Value objects rows in a NTuple object. Multiple clients access this NTuple object. For example, the Point representation objects use it for drawing. The objective function of the fitter access the same NTuple object. When HippoDraw is used as a Interactive Python Extension Module, the NTuple objects is available to it as well.

Some projectors are Observer objects and all are Observable. For example, the NTupleProjector is an observer of an NTuple object. When it receives the Observer::update message, it marks itself as needing to re-create the projected values and sends an update message to its observers.

The base class for projector is ProjectorBase.

See also:
ProjectorBase documentation for more details.

Projected Value

A projected value represents a coordinate and a value with an optional error on the value. For projected values created by the mechanism of binning, such as for a histogram, the projected value will also contain the bin width.

A projected value is represented as a tuple and implemented as a C++ standard library vector<double>. The indexes into this vector is managed by a enumeration within a namespace. For 2D values, hippodraw::DataPoint2DTuple is used while for 3D values, hippodraw::DataPoint3DTuple is used. The reason for using this technique is to avoid creation of a new classes, which for technical reasons would have a virtual base class, whose sole purpose would be to convey the tuple data to the clients.

Point representation

Given a projected value, there may be a number of ways to represent it graphically. This is what is called a point representation in this tool kit. An example is a symbol such as a square or circle representing a coordinate position in X and Y as shown below.

The base class for point representation is RepBase. See the documentation for RepBase for more details.


Binners are responsible for taking a value consisting of one or more raw data points and accumulating them in some fashion into bins. Binners are used by a member of the BinningProjector class hierarchy. An example of a simple binner is the Bins1DHist binner which takes a single data point and accumulates a histogram.

Binners do the accumulation into bins, but not the calculation of which bin needs to be accumulated. It delegates that task to a member of the Binner Axis class hierarchy.

The base class for Binners is the BinsBase class. See the documentation for BinsBase for more details.

Binner Axis

Binner Axis classes are responsible tor taking a raw data point of one or more values and calculating the indexes of the bin to be accumulated. The simplest is the BinnerAxisLinear which assumes bins for equal width with a certain range. A more complex one is BinnerAxisLog, which calculates bin edges that are logarithmically increasing in size. These are the only two implemented at the moment, but others could follow.

The implemented classes take a single double as a coordinate, but this could be generalized in the future. If one wants two doubles, and the two coordinates are independent, then two of these classes could be used, as is the case with classes derived from Bins2DBase. A coordinate representing a time or date might be considered for future implementation, but will certainly requires changes to other class hierarchies as well.

The base class for binner axis is BinnerAxis. See the documentation for BinnerAxis for more details.


The function classes serves two purposes. One is to display a function as an overlaid on a DataRep. The second is to interact with a fitting program to determine the value of the function's parameters that give the best fit.

The base class for functions is FunctionBase. See the documentation for FunctionBase for more details.

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