EM1 Update 6/7/02

Installation Instructions

1) Make sure none of the SCL applications / processes are running. This includes the "msbrouter" whose icon shows up in the task bar.

2) First rename the following directories:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 6\user.lib

A good way of doing this is by going into Windows Explorer, finding the directory, right clicking on it and choosing rename. I suggest you append the update date to the end of the directory so for example "system" directory under "C:\SCL" should be renamed to system.060702 .

3) Run the self extracting ZIP file and leave the defaults as they are and click on "Unzip". If you get a prompt asking you whether to overwrite an existing file that means you didn't rename all the directories specified above.

4) After the unzip completes you can test your update by doing the following:
a) Open up a Command Prompt and type "mkGlastPrj check".
b) Start "sclenv" from the desktop icon and choose the workspace "check".
c) Start "dbmake" from the desktop icon and make sure the databases compiled OK.
d) Start "msbrouter" from the desktop icon.
e) Turn on the VxWorks crate.
f) Start "GITOT" hyperterminal session from the desktop icon and type "< startupTem" for TEM testing or "< startupAem" for AEM testing.
g) In the hyperterminal screen, check for any errors, if there are any report them to SLAC.
h) Start "sclgo Sclviewer VxWorks" from the desktop icon.
i) When the application comes up, type "connect gitot_cmdin" and press enter. Then type "per tem.per" for TEM testing or "per aem.per" for AEM testing. If you get any compile errors notify SLAC.
j) At this point you can probe the hardware by sending it commands. Remember to set the correct database before issuing any commands.
k) If you want to test the LabVIEW<->VxWorks connectivity, you need to startup "TelemetryClient gitot 1800" from the Command Prompt.
l) After that on the sclViewer run the command "temSimData" for TEM testing or "aemSimData" for AEM testing. You should see the comm board LED flickering.
m) Start "TEM_Browser" for TEM testing or "AEM_Browser" for AEM testing from the desktop icon and click on the "Run" icon. You should see the register values changing and stripchart displaying the changes.
Note: For TEM testing if GCRC 02 03 and GCFE 02 03 00 is not populated on the front end electronics, the script will not work. You need to change the script temSimData.scl based on your hardware configuration.

5) If you'd like to test event data taking follow these instructions:
a) Follow the instructions above until 4i (including) if you haven't done so already.
b) Type "O$ConfigTEM(0)" for TEM testing and "O$ConfigAEM" for AEM testing and press enter.
c) Type "O$ConfigTrigger and press enter.
d) Type "O$InternalTrigger(x) and where x is a parameter between 0 and 7 which means the following and press enter:
-- 0-4: no debug
-- 5: debug
-- 6: raw dump (more debug)
-- 7: exit event handler after receipt of event

e) In the hyperterminal window you should see some text displayed based on the parameter that you chose above. If you don't see any output or an error is displayed you may need to edit the scripts cfg_tem, cfg_aem and cfg_trg for your hardware configuration.

More documentation will be provided in the upcoming days on LabVIEW-VxWorks interaction, event data taking and database and script customization.

Please contact Selim Tuvi at stuvi@slac.stanford.edu or Ric Claus at claus@slac.stanford.edu if you have problems or any questions.
