Online Workshop held at SLAC Tuesday Oct. 29, 2002 through Friday Nov. 1, 2002. 

The path to the EM test and beyond 

Meeting room:  Group A conference room (Bldg 84, CLA B188)

Tue 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 
 9:00 am: Organization (Ric)
                 Our goals: EM, CDR, CU, FU/LAT 
                 System architecture overview (Ric's pdf)
                 - Migration path 
                 - Schedule 

Tue 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm 
 1:30 pm: Schema & Configuration (Alicia's pdf)
                 - Environment Configuration 
                 - Environment Setup/Initialization 
                 Discussion on what subsystems provide I&T and when (Eduardo's html)
                 - Requirements 
                   - Functional test scripts 
                   - Calibration scripts 
                   - GUI/displays 
                   - Inputs/Outputs 
                 Work at workstations until dinner? 

 6:15 pm: Dinner at California Cafe

Wed 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 
 9:00 am: Demo of Test stand architecture IIa (Curt and Mike)
                 - Details discussed in the SLUO conference room (B140) (Curt's html, pdf)
                 Work at workstations and Q&A 
11:00 am: Logging: What should it look like? How many files, directory structure, logging to DB, schema? 
                 - Alerts 
                 - Message logging 
                 - Command and telemetry archiving 

Wed 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm 
 1:30 pm: Command and telemetry discussion with Tony Waite (FSW) (Tony's pdf, Ric's pdf)
                 - Maintenance (Add, delete, modify command or telemetry item?) 
                 - Database Documentation (How to view fields, etc...Like the SCL SML for quick reference but it had limited or no field descriptions) 
                 - Read/Modify/Write (multifield/function) command support? 

Thu 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 
  9:00 am: LAT Assembly Building (Bldg 33) tour and questions (Larry)
10:30 am: Work at workstations and Q&A 

Thu 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm 
  1:30 pm: Run Control (Ric's pdf)
                  - Application environment 
                  - Test Report Format (Standardize?)/Services 
                  - Error Signaling/Handling/Services 
                  - Common Test Methods (__INIT__, RUN (numIterations=-1,...), etc.) 
                  - Test Executive...operator interface from which all tests are run...related to previous issue. 
                  - Tips/common ways for doing things 
                  - Commanding Audit Trail 
                  - Test/supporting file(s) naming convention 
                  Electronic log book discussion? ('99 Beam Test, Balloon, FNAL)
                  Demo of Qt example and discussion of techniques (Selim)
                  Discussion of low level protocols and interfaces with Selim and Curt

Fri 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 
  9:00 am: Performance/Requirement Issues (Byron): 
                  - Brief statement of current C&Ts performance, i.e. number of commands/sec, number of events/sec. etc. 
                  - Brief review of test requirements by subsystem with emphasis on the demanding ones (pre-workshop subsystem homework?). 
                  - Action Items list on requirements which push C&Ts limits (if any). 

Fri 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm 
  1:30 pm: Hippo tutorial from with Paul Kunz (pdf)
                  Revisit of outstanding items Q & A and work at workstations

Updated 02/06/2003 , RC