Instrument calibrated

Engineering Model (EM), Calibration Unit (CU) or Flight Unit (LAT)

Location of calibration

SLAC-Clean Room, SLAC-Beam Test, NRL-Environmental test, Airplane, Mission Integration, On-orbit

Description of input

Cosmic Rays, Photons, Positrons, Hadrons at given energy, angles of incidence and impact location on the instrument

Calibration type

e.g., TKR noisy channel, CAL light asymmetry, ACD pulse height etc.

Serial number

Unique serial number for this record and the corresponding calibration output (TBD: is the serial number unique over all records, just for records for this calibration type, or do we want two serial numbers?).  Assigned by teh system not by the calibrator. This is useful for SAS, is it useful for SVAC too ?

Validity start time

Demarcate time interval for which calibration is known to be valid

Validity end time

Demarcate time interval for which calibration is known to be valid

Procedure completion time

Time the dataset was made

Calibration procedure level

Possible values will come from a predefined list including 'test', 'development', 'production' and 'superseded'. These terms refer to the procedure being used and say nothing about whether the component being calibrated was deemed acceptable.

Calibration status

Possible values will come from a predefined list including 'OK' and things like 'incomplete' or 'aborted'


determined by some specific configuration (e.g. threshold set to a given value, or half of the tracker towers are disabled)

Data Identification

e.g. filename

Data Format

e.g. xml, root, ASCII

Format Version

e.g. v0r2


Could be hardware procedure or software algorithm. Should also include procedure or software version information. (e.g root macro, python script)

Comment field

Anything which might be of interest but doesn't fit in any of the other categories.