SVAC Status Report Feb 6, 2002

General - Eduardo

Software Developer hire- now interviewing candidates (many thanks to I&T/SAS selection committee)

Documentation - Eduardo

WBS - Added more items to WBS (need to load in P3 again). Confused about status of EM activities. P3 says EM CAL module will arrive at SLAC only in 2003, while tracker will be available as of Apr 2002

SVAC Plan - started the process to validate calibration list and requirements by requesting ACD input (goal is to resolve issues prior to face-to-face meeting so that we can concentrate on Plan for Phase 0 on-orbit  during that meeting)

EM SAS/I&T ICD - Richard is not ready to commit to dates on ICD. The current plan is to bind the agreement to the P3 schedule.

GEANT Simulation - Hiro

LAT Started comparison of G4 and Gismo using LAT geometry

GEANT Simulation - Garima

Alignment - Now studying residuals  (difference between straight line fit and SSD hits) on each layer using BFEM MC and data.

GISMO Simulation - Navneet

Calibration Unit- Ready to verify 1x4 geometry of beam test with GISMO. Prepared input files for SAS so that they can produce MC runs. Next few weeks will focus on checking number of reconstructed photons for different configurations (many thanks to Leon and Karl for their support)

Database - Ashmi and Dylan

Histograms - Web interface displays multiple histograms and uses servlets to extract data from an ORACLE database (many thanks to Tony Johnson for his support). Next 2 weeks will focus on "cosmetics". Richard (SAS) expressed interest in our database for the SAS data manager. Plan a demo by the end of March (goal is to have a demo for face to face meeting, to bring IOC and systems engineering to discuss).

Web interface - Started implementation of servlet/ASP interface to reuse infrastructure already developed by SAS (many thanks to Karen)