SVAC Status Report Jul 10, 2002


TKR Geometry - Finished draft of documentation scheme for single tower for simulation (under final review by SAS and TKR). Expect Xin Chen and Eric Gawhen  to work together to produce similar documents for TKR , CAL and MGSE for the EM.

TKR Calibration - SAS/TKR/SVAC still writing up documentation for EM. There will be no MIP efficiency measurements, approach for TOT has not been clearly defined yet. Documentation of algorithms still under development. 

CAL Calibration - SAS/CAL provided first draft on Calibrations for EM (including EGSE). Documentation of algorithms still under development. 

A document including all EM calibrations will be circulated prior to the joint SAS/I&T meeting on July 19. 

SVAC Database - Information for table schema finally available. After inteacrting with Xin,  Jian (summer student) is already "up to speed". She is  implementing mdofications suggested by Hiro on the client side.  The three of us will meet on Monday to statu the overall conceptual design. 

MC Simulation

 GLEAM - Xin can now build GLEAM on NT and is now learning about the reconstruction code.

 pdrApp - Xin set up the infrastructure for MC generation and event display for analysis. This is currently been used for setting up analysis environment.

Analysis -  Eduardo and Xin have been implementing analysis macros to study variables from background rejection used by S. Ritz (see recent presentation for monochromatic beams  July8.pdf) . Currently working with Navneet to estimate photon statistics for on axis incidence for 17 energy bins using a bremstrahlung beam (according to Gary's beam test plan).