Post-doctoral position in gamma-ray astronomy --------------------------------------------- Service d'Astrophysique, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France Contact: Jean Ballet ( Deadline: 27 May 2011 Selection: June 2011 The astrophysics department at Saclay, which is situated 30 km south of Paris, is a major space astrophysics laboratory and is also involved in ground-based instrumentation and observations. The institute has important contributions to the XMM-Newton, Integral, Fermi, Herschel and Planck missions, as well as the HESS TeV instrument. The lab's web site is (in French) For Fermi, our institute is responsible for preparing the catalogue of sources seen by the main LAT instrument, and the model of underlying galactic diffuse emission. The first full version (1FGL, based on 1 year of data) was published in 2010 (ApJS 188, 405), the second one is in the works. We invite applications to work on the Fermi/LAT catalogue and/or diffuse model production. After the second catalogue, we plan to introduce Planck results into the diffuse model and add specific searches for transient sources. We will also work more on simulations to quantify source confusion effects. We are looking for somebody who will bring expertise either in data analysis, gamma-ray astronomy or the interstellar medium. The candidate is expected to work half-time on the catalogue and/or diffuse model and half-time on science related to our research interests. Our research interests are mostly in the Galactic science: - interstellar gamma-ray emission (I. Grenier, J.M. Casandjian) - pulsars and their wind nebulae (I. Grenier) - binary sources (S. Corbel, S. Chaty) - supernova remnants and cosmic ray sources (J. Ballet, I. Grenier) The starting date is October 2009. The position is normally for two years. The net salary is approximately 1800 euros/month (1900 if more than two years after PhD). To apply, please submit by email a curriculum vitae, a statement describing how you plan to get involved in the team, and two letters of recommendation.