Subsystem Managers Review Meeting


Phone information:  510-665-5437     Meeting ID: 0995

 June 15, 2005 - 8:00 a.m. pst

    GLAST III Conference Room- Building 234

Agenda L. Klaisner
Introduction/Project Status (ppt) (pdf) L. Klaisner
Tracker  (ppt) (pdf) R. Johnson
Electronics (ppt) (pdf) M. Huffer
Flight Software (ppt) (pdf) T. Schalk
ACD (pdf) D. Thompson
Mechanical (ppt) (pdf) M. Campell
Calorimeter (ppt) (pdf) E. Grove
PSA (ppt) (pdf) J. Cullinan
SAS R. Dubois
Integration and Test Issues/Current Plans and Performance Update (ppt) (pdf) K. Fouts/E. Bloom/E. do Couto e Silva
LAT Environmental Test Issues/NRL MGSE Schedule M. Nordby/N. Johnson
ISOC Implementation Concept Status (ppt) (pdf) R. Cameron


Debbie Nicholson, Last Modified: 06/15/2005 13:58