Proposed names for science tools

S. Digel, 28 November 2004 [updated 29 Nov]

General guidelines that I followed (see James' writeup of SAE naming issues from our September 20 meeting):  tool names start with gt, contain only lower case characters, and have no hyphens or dashes.

The names below are open for discussion, but I'd prefer to stick with the guidelines above.

Listed below in alphabetical order (with capital letters somehow coming first) are the existing SAE-related executables in Science Tools. 


1. Tools marked with * or ** have overlapping functionality (and underlying commonality) and we may be able to merge these.

2.  Also, TsMap and possibly other tools related to likelihood might someday be integrated into an interactive version of likelihood.

3. Regarding exposure calculations, I am proposing that exposure_cube become gtlivetimecube, which I think more accurately describes the function that the tool performs.

Current name Proposed Name
TsMap gttsmap
count_map gtcntmap*
dataSubselector gtdatasubsel
diffuseResponses gtlikediffresp
evtbin gtcntmap*
expMap gtexpmap**
exposureMap [may go away]
exposure_cube gtlivetimecube
exposure_map [merge with gtexpmap?]**
glbary gtbary
gtbindef gtbindef
gtcntsmap [merge with gtcntmap?]*
gtsrcmaps gtsrcmaps
likelihood gtlikelihood?
makeExposureCube [merge with gtlivetimecube]
obsSim gtobssim
orbSim gtorbsim
pulsePhase gtpulsephase
rspgen gtrspgen
stpsearch gtpsearch

* Comment from Jim Chiang:  "gtcntmap, gtcntsmap should both be merged with gtevtbin, *unless* we are considering breaking up evtbin by algorithm, eg. CMAP, LC, PHA, and have separate applications for each, which might not be a bad idea."

** Comment from Jim Chiang:  "I don't think gtexpmap and the present exposure_map should be merged. Although they do somewhat relate calculations, the contexts in which their products are used are very different and the calculations themselves are also quite different. The present expMap uses classes that are fundamentally a part of the Likelihood calculation and cannot be factored out in any sensible fashion, in my opinion, whereas exposure_map should be entirely independent of likelihood."