Science Tools Update

Seth Digel

22 September 2005

The Bigger Picture

No news.

Science Tools working group

The working group met this week and probably will next meet in 2 weeks.

Checkout 3 ends on Monday, and the news this week is again mostly related to the checkout.  The checkout has been a big success, in the usual way we mean it.  A summary of many of the non-JIRA issues raised so far is here.  No reports from reviewers of the functioning of the tools have been received or posted yet.  The current version of the science tools is v6r0p3.

Science Data Products:  No news, although we discussed and seemed to agree that having the FITS templates for the data products in a common area (like the CVS repository) would be a good idea, in terms of maintaining the definitions of the data products.

Databases & related utilities – No news.  Some data server-related issues have been posted in JIRA, e.g., related to how doesn't modify the TSTART and TSTOP keywords if less than the entire time range of the data is specified in a search.

Likelihood analysis – Jim has a model for broken power-law sources that allows the integrated flux to be specified as a parameter; this is something that makes analyzing spectra more convenient and the updated version is in the current HEAD. 

GRB tools –  No news. 

Pulsar tools –  Masa and James are working on additional user-level documentation for the pulsar tools.

Observation simulation – Jim made available an FT2 file that has live times set equal to 0 during intervals when the LAT is in the SAA.  Apparently at least some tools don't pay attention to the IN_SAA flag.

Jim has also precomputed live time (hyper)cubes for 1-day intervals for the checkout 3 FT2 file; they are available here.  He has written a tool gtaddlivetime to add them together for longer time intervals.  It is in Likelihood v9r3, available in LATEST builds >=1.1142, and will be part of v6r0p4.  At the Science Tools meeting, we seemed to have consensus that live time cubes for various time ranges should be made available in the future from the data servers.  The precomputation is slow, and distributing already-calculated cubes can speed up the analysis significantly.

Francesco reported that the time ranges of the GRBs in the GBM files do not match the ranges in the LAT event files; this is apparently also a problem related using the wrong MJDREF, or at least the tools not checking the value of MJDREF.

User interface & infrastructure – No news.  There was some discussion yesterday about the ROOT GUI that James developed.  One user reported not being able to get it to go, but it worked for me under Linux.

Source catalog No news.