Meeting at GSFC

Meeting Minutes 9-01-04



            Diane Kolos (GSFC)

            Rita Rozenbaum  (GSFC)

            Jerry Clinton  (SLAC/ Mfg. Engr.)

            Nick Virmani  (Swales/GSFC)

            Frank Golden (Parlex, Dir. Of Corp. QA)




Discuss micro-sections which had several separations between barrel plating and internal layers.  Some samples had missing annular rings. Evaluation of Parlex micro-sections vs. GSFC coupons.




Parlex had questions regarding the interlayer separation requirements in the referred IPC-6013 specification.  Parlex indicated that they do not work to IPC-6013 and normally follow MIL-P-50884C.  Both specifications have the same requirements for inter-separation. Parlex agreed that all specifications do not permit interlayer separation.


Thermal stressed micro-sections brought by Parlex were oxidized and had heavy scratches due to polishing. They could not be evaluated and have to be re-polished prior to evaluation.  Polishing procedures and processes were reviewed by parlex and re-polishing was performed on part number 727, micro-section serial numbers 11 and 13.  Both micro-sections were accepted and evaluated by parlex and were considered acceptable prior to re-polishing.


After polishing and evaluation S/N 11 micro-sections have clear evidence of interlayer separation.  Parlex agreed to re-evaluate inspection process (details unknown).  S/N 13 did not show any evidence of interlayer separation.


Parlex has some concern on the micro-section procedures used by GSFC materials lab. To resolve this issue, the GSFC rejected micro-sections and remnants of the coupons as well as Parlex’s remnants of the coupons ( for some serial numbers) will be evaluated by an independent lab.


Parlex will discuss with the independent Delson Lab in CA, the dates for shipping the coupons and micro-sections. Nick Virmani will coordinate shipping of the micro-sections and coupons to the Delson Lab after a written response from Parlex.  Delson Lab will evaluate coupons after thermal stress and the results will be evaluated jointly by GSFC and Parlex.


Parlex will send the new micro-sectioning procedures by email for review, which contains details missing from the previous procedures.