DataChallenge User Guide:  Standard Cuts

The FT1 data is available from the SSC with no extra cuts applied. Ditto for the merit ntuples from the SLAC server. The merit ntuple is the source from which subsequent FITS and Root files are generated.


However, the FT1data had retrofitted 3 boolean variables to use for cuts - these are in the CALIBVERSION vector. These are filled in fitsgen/makeFT1.cxx:

     bool good_energy_cut   = (imgoodcalprob[i]>0.2); 
     bool zdir_cut          = (tkr1zdir[i]<-0.2);      
     bool no_cal_cut        = (calenergysum[i]<5.0)||(caltotrln[i]<2.0);
     bool global_cut = good_energy_cut && zdir_cut && !(no_cal_cut);
     bool psf_filter =   (imcoreprob[i]>0.2) && (impsfprederr[i]<3.0);
     (calibVersion[i])[0] = imgammaprob[i];
     if(psf_filter)      (calibVersion[i])[1] = 1.;
     if(global_cut)      (calibVersion[i])[2] = 1.;


Specific Root files were culled for "standard cuts". These cuts were:

TCut stdCut("IMgammaProb>0.5 && TkrNumTracks>0 && GltWord>3 && IMcoreProb>0.2 && IMpsfErrPred<3 && Tkr1ZDir < -0.2 && !(CalEnergySum < 5. || CalTotRLn < 2) && IMgoodCalProb>0.2");

Note that this cut would have to be supplied to the SLAC server to reproduce the standard cuts files.


This variable has been redefined (in merit/ClassificationTree.cxx)  in the merit ntuple for DC1 to be:

            // VERTEX 
            if(EvtEnergySumOpt<=350.0) {
                // LOCAL
                veto= Tkr1ToTFirst > 4.5 
                    || Tkr1ToTAve > 3.5
                    || AcdTotalEnergy > 0.25
                    || VtxAngle>0.4 ;
            // MEDCAL, HICAL: pass
            // 1 TRACK
            if(EvtEnergySumOpt <= 350.0) {
                // LOCAL
                veto = Tkr1ToTAve > 3.0
                    || AcdTileCount > 0.0
                    || AcdRibbonActDist >-300.0
                    || EvtTkrComptonRatio <1.05
                    || FilterStatus_HI >3.0 ;
            }else if( EvtEnergySumOpt <= 3500.0){
                // MEDCAL
                veto = Tkr1ToTAve >3.0
                    || AcdTotalEnergy >5.0
                    || EvtTkrComptonRatio <1.0 ;
            // HICAL: pass

veto is returned to set the value of IMgammaProb.

J. User Last Modified:  2005-04-14 14:57:53 -0700