ACD Performance Tests
October, 2002
In preparation for Gleam v3

A number of ACD modifications have occurred over the past few months including:

Still on the "to do" list:

A number of performance plots have been suggested:
Monte Carlo Tests:

  1. Demonstrate MIP distribution for 300 MeV muons both on and off axis.

Digi Tests:

  1. Demonstrate Edge Effects are functioning by creating a profile plot of (x, y) position along a tile versus mean energy deposition after edge effects have been applied.
  2. Show the inefficiency for an ACD tile using normal incident muons shot into the center of a tile
  3. Reproduce Alex's efficiency plots for individual PMTs and using OR of PMTs

Recon Tests

  1. Produce reference plots for Active Distance for both normally incident 100 MeV muons and gammas
    The fraction of gamma conversion should match expected compton-scattering in an ACD tile.

Other Tests

  1. Demonstrate that the "well" is working
    Shoot some large number of protons and find an event that produces a gamma ray in the blanket.
  2. Backsplash...

H. Kelly Last Modified:  2002-11-01 12:56:52 -0800