GLAST Calorimeter Software Weekly Report
Week of  13 September 2004


Sasha:  Continued work on muon calibration rewrite in calibGenCAL.  Also investigated retrigger issue and looked at first FM101 data.


Andrey:  Continued light attenuation studies.  Focused on muons passing through diodes, which required switching from externally triggered events to TKR triggered events.

Mark:  Worked on new documentation.


Pol: Nothing new this week.


Benoit: I carried on my I&T study of the trajectory reconstruction, comparing the so-obtained positions with those from the mc root file. I will present the results on next monday's meeting.

Thanks to Francesco & Tracy, I incorporated my heavy-ion interaction model in GlastRelease using G4 v6.2p01. The good news is that some reaction events got computed (see the attached figure: an Oxygen ion interacting in the calorimeter). The bad news is that, with my installation, Gleam crashed after 3 events. I sent my model to Francesco, who got it working with his installation without problem.

David:  Started from Benoit's code that takes TkrDir & TkrPos to predict CDE hits. Initial effort to learn rudiments of Glast software. Tool is, for now, a SVAC ntuple loop (starting from Anders' Output.C example on his "Useful SVAC Information" page). Studying occupancies and energy depositions versus CDE number, for each layer, using the small TwoTowers SVAC.root file Anders made to test his implementation of Benoit's end-of-track parameters and energy definition.

Goal is to be able to scrutinize CAL data when tower 1 appears at SLAC.


Fred and EricNo report

SLAC  Richard continues to  test mods to digi to use calRespSvc.

UCSC  no report