GLAST Calorimeter Software Weekly Report
Week of 15 March 2004


Sasha:  Last week I was doing cross check of the results on SLAC EM calibration obtained by Pol. It was clarified that this calibration is valid only for muon gain setting for high energy diode. Another finding: it looks like the muon peaks obtained by Pol are significantly (factor ~1.5) broader, than the same peaks obtained with my standard selections (implemented in calibGenCAL). This makes fit parameters in my case less sensitive to fitting function shape. The possible explanation is that Pol used tracker geometry information to select muons, while I used CAL information only.

Andrey:  Continuation of last week.  Will start working on GCR calibration software after current task.

Mark:  Discussions with Neil about resources required for CAL software.  Preparations to write calibration plan.  Preparations for CAL s/w mtg.  Preparing desktop for installation of GLAST software.


Pol:  No report

Berrie:  - Calrecon: figuring out the importance of noise in TKR hits in recon
- EM: worked with Pol on his note (he will send you a few lines)
- Misc: lobbying for more manpower


Thierry, Benoit, Johan: Here at Bordeaux things are going on on both JQMD and the GSI analysis.  Thierry is finishing a kind of note about JQMD, showing the main discrepencies (and some good things).  It takes a bit longer than desired to write it in a way easily understandable. It will be post very soon.  Benoit is working on the GSI experiment analysis.


Agnieszka and Claude : started to configure the laptop (RH 7.9, CVS, CMT, etc.) which will be used by Claude for GlastRelease installation in view of GCR calib future developments.

Eric : continuation of last week (Z identification with EM alone, migration effect study).

Frederic & Eric : studied I&T documentation sent by E. Grove (CAL functional test user's guide, etc.)


Xin:  No report