GLAST Calorimeter Software Weekly Report
Week of  18 October 2004


Sasha:  Most time spent analyzing data from FM101 thermal vac and other tests on FM 101-104 in order to produce preliminary energy scales and to further understand integral nonlinearity and thresholds as a function of temperature.

Worked with Byron to identify and fix a problem in on-line charge injection calibration of FLE threshold.  on-line and off-line analyses now agree for ci calibration.

Zach:  Worked on calibGenCAL v2r5 and v3.

Andrey:  Continued looking at direct deposit of energy in diodes using muons from EM test at SLAC.

Mark:  Worked on defining calibration package approach for first few CAL deliveries.  Will use existing calibration technique (embodied in calibGenCAL v2r5, a slight mod to v2r4) for initial deliveries, v3 with new calibration (which is going to require more work than anticipated) by 22 Dec.  Older results will then be replace by reanalyzed calibrations.


Pol: Mainly, I've been setting up the Scientific Linux (i.e RHE) farm at Lyon to use the GlastRelease software. It now works.  Also working on increasing range of reconstruction methods, looking at new variables to use in a last-layer replacement.

Philippe:  Installing software, started work on recon.


Benoit: Over the past two weeks, my activity has been devoted to:

David:  See presentation.

CAL calibrations at SLAC:

To be able to manage CAL calibration constants in Joanne's data base, I have learned how to do several tasks:

a) Have worked through the reports on the FM101 CPT DVD that Eric brought from NRL to the collaboration meeting, looking at the outputs various ways
b) amongst these, Sasha's ced2root, and then RootTreeAnalysis on the digi files. Excel on the .csv files is also useful
c) running CAL scripts on EM with Larry Wai, and following the outputs part way through the pipeline
d) muonCalib on the digi files to generate the .xml outputs. The large shift in pedestal values from the CAL EM to FM101 made it necessary to change histogram definitions in muonCalib, with Sasha's guidance. Ready for the new version of calibGenCAL when it comes.
e) Put EM and FM101 constants into the calib_user part of the data base, using rbdGui (thanks, Anders, for the help)

Current tasks include:

f) recon, using "my" database constants
g) making tools to read in calibration.xml files to easily compare different sets of calibrations
h) Eric threatens to send more CPT DVD's in near future, for review.
g) Fred & Sylvain off to NRL for six weeks, we're swapping know-how


Fred and EricSee presentation on MIP-finding work

SLAC  no report

UCSC  no report