GLAST Calorimeter Software Weekly Report
Week of 3 May 2004


Sasha:  beginning of the week I was in Denver participating in APS meeting. The rest of the week I was working on calibration algorithms to be delivered to I&T by the end of the May. As the necessary step I was installing the recent GlastRelease v4r2 on my new laptop.  I'll test all algorithms in this environment before delivery.

There was an e-mail discussion with Joanne on the xml format of non-linearity calibration files in the data base.

Andrey:  for the past week I worked on finishing my Failure Modes write up.  I hope to finish it completely this week.

I am also in process of reading Xin's talk (at NRL) and trying to figure out how do I proceed on my task. We had a useful conversation with Sasha, and he gave me some more ideas on what to do.

Mark:  Continued work on I&T testing and calibration document.  Completed adding institutions to task list.  Sent it to Neil for review.  Next step is establishing flow of tasks.

Zach: Continued modifications to CalibGenCal.  It now works under  GR v4r1 and  windows!  Looking for appropriate root files for testing.


Pol:  I've put the last version of my calibration note, updated with the helpful comments of all and especially of Sasha. It's on the web at:

I won't be here next week, so no reports then

Berrie:  No report.


Thierry, Benoit, Johan: 

The Glast-related activities for last week were focused on solving the problems seen with runs taken in zero-suppression and one-range readout modes. Several bugs were found in the TTree generating routine.

Thierry did more energy-loss calculations with GEANT4, without finding a clue to solving the "antiquenching" problem. He is working on incorporating all upstream materials in the calculation.


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