GLAST Calorimeter Software Weekly Reports
Week of 9 February 2004


Sasha:  Prepared for and attended DC1 closeout meeting.  Demonstrated that CAL resolution has not changed between GLEAM versions and latest GLAST_RELEASE.  Participated in NRL planning meeting.

Andrey:  Continuation of last week.  Will start working on GCR calibration software after current task.

Mark:  Admin tasks.  Conducted NRL planning meeting for CAL software.  As a result, took action to work on muon peak shape model based on path length distribution for various instrument configurations.


Pol:  No report

Berrie:  No report


Benoit, Johan:  The activity for last week was entirely devoted to preparing and attending the DC1 closeout meeting.

Thierry:  No report


Frederic: no report


Xin:  Last week I did the following:
1. attend DC1 closeout meeting
2. update document for VDG justification for future hardware test
3. implement code to study diagnostic data

Richard:  Based on his travel schedule, suggested 15-16 April for CAL S/W face-to-face meeting at NRL