Environment Variables Summary

Here is a summary of the variables you'll need to have set to develop and run Gleam.


This assumes that you use vcmt which handles setting up paths to CMT and CMTPATH (where you have the Gleam code installed).

Use Value Description
CVSROOT :ext:centaurusa.slac.stanford.edu:/nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs location of ground repository
CVS_RSH ssh use ssh
GLAST_EXT depends on your installation location of external libraries
HOME depends on your installation location of your ssh key information
path depends on your installation add paths to cvs and ssh


This assumes that you use glastpack or vcmt which handles setting up paths to CMTPATH (where you have the Gleam code installed).

Use Value Description
CVSROOT :ext:centaurusa.slac.stanford.edu:/nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs location of ground repository
CVS_RSH ssh use ssh
GLAST_EXT depends on your installation location of external libraries
HOME depends on your installation your home directory (contains .ssh dir)
CMTROOT depends on your installation. The remainder of the CMT variables are set by running the CMT configuration. where you put CMT
path depends on your installation add paths to cvs and ssh


R.Dubois Last Modified: 2002-12-02 11:43 -0800