Getting and Installing CMT

Obtaining the code

CMT is supported by Christian Arnault at LAL. For GLAST developers, a version of CMT has been checked into the central GLAST CVS repository. See below for the version that all GLAST developers should use.

  mkdir CMT
  cd CMT
  cvs co -d version -r version  CMT 

This will install all of the CMT sources into an appropriate directory structure. It is possible to use a single installation of CMT to build multiple platforms (for example on an AFS or NFS mounted directory) and to share a single installation among users.

NOTE: currently unix users should be using version v1r8p1 of CMT, whereas NT users should be using v1r7 of CMT.

A new NOTE: (30-jan-2002) we have switched to v1r10p20011126 for both unix and windows.

28-Nov-2002: Now we use v1r12p20020606 which is available in the repository with that tag.

Building CMT


This will compile and link the CMT executable into the CMT/version/VisualC directory.

Alternately, if you have vcmt installed, just click the "build cmt" button after filling in the version number, and getting the code from CVS by clicking the checkout button in the "CMT setup" area.


Last Modified (J. Bogart): 12/02/2002 11:40