Installing both tbsim and glastsim

Glastsim and tbsim use many of the same packages.  Specifically the files in a shared package such as instrument will have tags such as v1 that are the glastsim version of the files and tags such as v99 that are the tbsim version of the files.  This causes problems if both tbsim and glastsim are installed, since CMT by default will use the version of a package with the highest revision number (thereby defaulting to tbsim).  In order to avoid this problem users should install tbsim and glastsim in different CMT spaces.  To do this one simply needs to use different CMTPATH variables for the different installations.  So, for instance, on NT one could install tbsim in a directory such as C:/packages/tbsim/ and install glastsim in a directory such as C:/packages/glastsim/.  To switch between the two installations, one need only change the path used (under the "CMT setup" section) by changing the values in the boxes.  On unix the same principle applies, except one will need to use a commmand (using csh) like

setenv CMTPATH /u/gl/packages/glastsim

to switch to your glastsim installion.  

T. Lindner Last Modified: 12/02/2002 11:40