Running the Code

After you have built the executables, you need to set up the environment for running them. 

Windows unix

Select the package with the app you want to run. Then select the app from the project list and hit the 'run' button. All setup is done for you. Enter needed command line arguments into the box marked 'app parameters'. If running the console version of glastsim (called gsim) see these instructions for possible command line arguments.

To setup the needed environment variables you must first run the setup script in the given packages mgr(or cmt) directory. Currently it's recommended that you do this from a bash shell.  For instance for gsim do

source $CMTPATH/gsim/v1/mgr/

To run gsim, on linux, do


See these instructions for glastsim's possible command line arguments.



Note: There should be both a .sh and a .csh setup script in the mgr directory.  Both scripts will do the same thing. 

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R.Dubois Last Modified: 12/02/2002 11:40:09 AM