DSTF Review of TkrRecon
 Transient Data Store (TDS) Classes

Brief Overview:

Today's review will look at the current implementation of the TkrRecon TDS Classes resulting from the output of the reconstruction.  The overall TkrRecon reconstruction process currently consists of four main algorithms (see diagram): Clustering, Track Pattern Recognition, Track Fitting and Gamma/Vertex Finding. Each of these algorithms produces a number of objects of the same class (e.g. a large number of cluster objects are output from the Clustering algorithm) which are then "contained" by a single TDS class. So, the TkrRecon TDS output classes fall into two categories: 1) Container classes, which inherit from Gaudi's DataObject and are the classes actually stored in the TDS, and 2) Contained classes which represent the actual result of a particular algorithm (e.g. a fit track).

Class Design Considerations:

  1. The TDS classes will reside in the GlastEvent package, not in the TkrRecon package
  2. The Permanent Data Storage classes will be clones of the TDS classes
  3. The Track Candidate/Fit/Vertex classes should have a generic interface to facilitate use by the "external" user
  4. The general form of the classes should be as generic as possible to allow them to be created/filled by different implementations of a particular algorithm. 

Classes to be reviewed:

  1. The Clustering Classes
  2. The Pattern Recognition Classes
  3. The Track Fit Classes
  4. The Gamma Finding/Vertexing Classes
  5. The Abstract Interface TkrRecInfo 


T. Usher Last Modified: 2002-05-02 10:27:14 -0700