Installation Instructions for the CalRecon package (as of Dec 19, 2000)


NOTE: These instructions are completely out of date please disregard them. New instructions will be coming with a new version of the GlastGaudi checkout package.


1. Checkout the following packages

* for unix you need to update the requirements file to the HEAD version.

2. Install the following external libraries

You can download these libraries from


Also see the external libraries page for additional info about where to install external libraries.


3. Do a broadcast make from the CalRecon package (for additional info see the Code-How-To page).

Note: Currently there is a problem with building the GaudiSvc package under Windows 2000. There is no known cause but there is a solution. First compile DataSvc.cpp which you will see in the package and then do a make. If you still encounter problems even after doing this please contact Ian Gable or Toby Burnett.


4. Run the CalRecon test program that was build in the previous step.  To do this you first need to edit the jobOptions.txt file.  The job options file is used by Gaudi to choose which algorithms will be used and which data will be loaded; you need to change it so that the test program can find the irf input file.  The job options file is located in the CalRecon package, at src/test/jobOptions.txt.  There are two places in the file where the input file muontest.irf is specified; these both need to be changed.  muontest.irf is located in the instrument package; so if your instrument (version v2r2) package is located at /afs/slac/u/gl/tlindner/packages then you would need to change the following line

    GlastDetSvc.IRFFile = "/packages/reconstruction_v3/instrument/v2/src/test/muontest.irf";


    GlastDetSvc.IRFFile = "/glast/Gaudi/instrument/v2r2/src/test/muontest.irf";

and the line

    ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "IRFFILE /packages/reconstruction_v3/instrument/v2/src/test/muontest.irf";


    ApplicationMgr.EvtSel = "IRFFILE /glast/Gaudi/instrument/v2r2/src/test/muontest.irf";

Now you can simply run the test program.  This page shows what your output should look like.

Thomas Lindner 02/22/01 11:09 AM