List of Ntuple Items for PDR

As we get ready to make a real release of the new code... here is a list of quantities that will be expected as output within a Root ntuple. 

Below are tables containing the expected ntuple items, divided by subsystem....  Each table contains a "DONE" column to denote that we are now writing this quantity out to a Root ntuple.

Also, note, that we may desire to rename some of these items...for instance CsI => Cal  and Veto => ACD


Item Description DONE
No_Tracks total number of tracks found by TKR recon X
Cnv_Lyr_Hits total number of hit SSDs X
Chisq   X
fst_X_Lyr Layer number of the first hit associated with the best X track. X
t_Angle sin of the angle between the best track and the gamma direction. X
Gamma_x_dir, Gamma_y_dir, Gamma_z_dir direction cosines for gamma X
Gamma_x0, Gamma_y0, Gamma_z0 position (0,0,0) for the gamma X
Diff_1st_XY_Lyr  Difference in layer numbers between the first hit associated with the best X track and the best Y track. X
Outside_Hit_Ratio Average number of hits outside 5 sigma of the best primary track fi X
Chisq_1st Chi squared value of the best track initial segments X
Fit_Type RC-best track : Flag indicating the type of reconstructed track:Best track = 0 
        Additional tracks around best track +1 
        Pair track +10 
        RC-Pair Fit : Xtracks + 10*Ytracks of the RC gamma
Fit_Kink measure of the angle between the first couple hits in the "best" track? X
First_Fit_Gaps Number of gaps of the best track initial segments X
Active_Dist Distance to the nearest edge of the converter dice of the estimated conversion point. Negative distance indicate conversions outside the converter.
AO: computed in ActiveDistance.cxx
Quality_Parm   X
Fit_x_dir, Fit_y_dir, Fit_z_dir Components of the unitary directional vector of  the best track. X
Fit_x0, Fit_y0, Fit_z0 Coordinate of the RC initial vertex of the best track. X
Surplus_Hit_Ratio Average number of hits within 5 sigma of the best primary track fit.
 AO: computed in  ExtraHits


All should be renamed to use Cal as their prefix, at some cases the variable should be renamed altogether.

Item Description DONE
CsI_Energy_Sum total energy (MeV) as reconstructed by the CAL X
CsI_eLayer1- CsI_eLayer8 energy deposited (MeV) in each CAL layer X
CsI_Z z position of the shower center...this would be equivalent to CsiCluster::Position.z()?  
CsI_moment1, CsI_moment2    
CsI_No_Xtals total number of logs with any energy deposition  
CsI_No_Xtals_Trunc number of logs with an energy deposit > 1% of total energy deposited in the CAL  
CsI_Esid_Sum total amount of energy deposited within logs within a pre-defined distance from the side of the instrument.  
CsI_Xtal_ratio derived from CsI_No_Xtals_trunc and the number of logs hit
AO: computed in EnergyCorrection

Quantities that require both TKR and CAL reconstructions

Item Description DONE
CsI_Fit_errNrm derived from the distance between the reconstructed gamma direction from TKR recon, the reconstructed direction obtained from cluster fitting in the CAL recon, and the corrected energy total
AO: computed in  GlastRecon
CsI_Corr_Energy CAL energy sum adjusted for the hits found in the TKR  


Item Description DONE
Veto_DOCA   X
Veto_DOCA_S1...Veto_DOCA_Sn   X
No_Vetos_Hit Number of ACD tiles hit X
Veto_Energy Total energy deposited in all ACD tiles X



Item Description DONE
Event_ID   X
Run_Number   X
MC_xDir, MC_yDir, MC_zDir MC Direction X
MC_X0, MC_Y0, MC_Z0 MC Position X
MC_Energy Kinetic energy of incident particle X
MC_SRC_CODE  id of the incident particle  
Triage_Time time of the event X
Gamma_Err angle between recon and MC gamma  


Item Description DONE
Trig_Bits Hardware trigger status X