Ground S/W Policies & Decisions


Supported Operating Systems:

Windows NT, Sun Solaris, Linux

decision taken at the Jan 2000 Software Workshop

Code Management:

cvs is used to do revision control (and has been for a long time)

code units will be organized into 'packages'. The directory structure is such that the package directory will  contain src/, <package-name>/ (for public includes), test/ and doc/ directories. There can be other directories. The existing GLASTSIM code has been reorganized into packages.

Responsibility for package updates will be delegated to individual owners. People will not have write access to packages they do not own or share ownership of.

decisions taken culminating at the March 2000 Collaboration meeting.

build & distribution control will be performed via CMT

decision taken following at the May 2000 workshop.

Migration to GEANT4

we will provide a migration path to allow use of both Gismo and GEANT4 in our simulations. Target date for implementation is September 2000.

decision taken at the Jan 2000 Software Workshop

Persistent Object I/O

we will use Root I/O as our persistent object store.

decision taken at the Jan 2000 Software Workshop

Supported Analysis Packages

we will support IDL and Root as analysis packages

decision taken at the Jan 2000 Software Workshop

Automated Code Documentation

We will mandate inclusion of in-line documentation to allow automated production of a 'reference' code manual. The automated tool is DOxygen.

decision taken at the May 2000 Software Workshop

C++ Code Architecture 

it is proposed that we adopt the code architecture GAUDI, developed by the LHCb experiment.

decision taken at the Aug 2000 Core Working Meeting

Document Control System 

for better or for worse, we have adopted Hummingbird's CyberDocs management system.

decision taken in summer 2000

Project Management Tool

are using MS Project 2000. We are still evaluating its web interface, Project Central.

decision taken in summer 2000

Pending Decisions

Handling Time-Dependent Constants (proponent: Joanne Bogart; target decision date May 2000)

it is proposed that we adopt the MySQL relational database to control time-dependent constants handling. This may include only meta-data or the constants themselves. TBD.

Coding Rules (proponent: Traudl Hansl; target decision date May 2000)

it is proposed that we mostly adopt the coding conventions put forward by the LHC collaborations. We could make minimal changes to these conventions.

R.Dubois Last Modified: 01/08/2001 09:08