Science Analysis Software Requirements

This and linked documents will lay out the requirements, inter-relationships and testing procedures for each of the major science software components.

Science Software comprises several components

and is broken down into WBS units to illustrate the workplan. The top of our WBS is 4.1.D.

Existing requirements documents arranged in the WBS structure  are:

D.1 Sources, Sim and Recon*, which in turn contains pointers to

D.2 Analysis Tools*, containing pointers for some specific areas

D.4 Science Tools*

D.5 Data Processing Facility*

D.6 Calibrations*

D.7 PDR Support*

(*) - draft requirements written

All applicable code must adhere to the LAT coordinate system conventions. All code must be written in the accepted language(s), conform to the coding rules and function correctly on the supported operating systems. All software must conform to the code architecture, that is, be packaged into modules that can be executed in the Gaudi environment. There must be no hard-wired constants in the code.

D.1 Simulation and Reconstruction

The simulation takes input distributions of photons or background particles, follows their path through GLAST and simulates any interactions with the device. The simulation phase outputs "raw data" that is interchangeable in form to real data, but adds Monte Carlo truth to the record. Reconstruction takes the raw data and attempts to recover the initial properties of the incident particle, and to tag it as signal or background.

D.1.1 Sources

The sources are particle flux generators which are the input to the simulation. These model the characteristics (origin, energy) of the signal photons as well as background cosmic rays, albedo and heavy nuclei used for calibrations.

D.1.8 Trigger Simulation & Analysis

The flight trigger code, made to run in the offline environment and any analysis that goes with the understanding of the trigger code and support of its design.

D.1.9 Background Rejection

Algorithms, tuned to different science goals, which identify incident particles as background, allowing the remaining interactions to be identified as signal photons.

D.2 Analysis Tools

Lower-level requirements for analysis.  See also Science Tools.

D.2.7 Geometry

The geometry will be described by an ascii file representing the instrument and its required surroundings (eg spacecraft, gondola etc). Utilities will be supplied to extract the information from the input file with interfaces to the simulation packages (eg GEANT4 and Gismo) to create the geometric volumes. An interface to the reconstruction to extract needed geometrical quantities will be supplied. The utilities will also be available to other clients as needed: event display, user analysis, etc

D.2.8 Performance Tuning and Monitoring

An ongoing effort to optimize and track the high level performance of the instrument and code through the PSF and effectve area measures. This is intended as a diagnostic for the performance of the simulation and reconstruction, providing a way to track its performance vs time. These are the code benchmarks telling us the code has not wandered away from us.


D.2.9 Code Release Management

Utilities and procedures needed to reliably tag the versions of code that form releases and to validate the performance of those releases. Other utilities and facilities of general use will be grouped under this aegis.

D.4 Science Tools

The high level tasks required to extract science from the reconstructed data and MC. These include the various utilities to manipulate the Level 1 data and perform the required analyses, such as GRB detection, sky maps and so on.

D.5 Data Processing Facility

Co-located with the IOC to perform near-real time data reconstruction from the instrument and provide feedback to Operations from high level subsystem-correlated instrument response, as well as input to the instrument calibration process. It will also perform bulk MC production. It will provide the Level 1 reconstructed photons that will be used for science and passed on to the Science Support Center. It will perform re-reconstructions as needed.

D.6 Calibrations

These include the subsystem instrumental calibrations and alignment as well as higher level calibrations of overall instrument response.

D.7 PDR Support

The previous version of this document may be found here.

This document has been prepared to avoid confusion such as ... (text, audio).

R.Dubois Last Modified: 08/13/2001 22:54