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Welcome! This system allows us to track the performance of our workhorse Gleam application as it evolves through its code releases. It allows us to run several configurations of Gleam (eg AllGamma, several energies of vertical gammas and muons, etc) and compare the output histograms to previous standard versions.

The portal to the system is at


JAS is used as the web plot display tool, with asp and visual basic providing the connection to the underlying database.


Having selected a version of GlastRelease (which sets the Gleam version), you will be presented with a table of tests for that version. It has the following features:

 If you are not familiar with KS testing for comparisons of distributions, see this link.

Once you select a particular test's histograms to browse, you'll see a pull-down menu of histogram titles available in the Root file and a button to enable overlays.


April 20, 2003



[ HomeIntro | Usage | Caveats | Reference Manual | Wish list ]

R.Dubois Last Modified: 2003-04-20 15:54:36 -0700