2002 Scheduling Meeting

Attendance: Joanne Bogart, Toby Burnett, Richard Dubois, Marco Frailis, Riccardo Giannitrapani, Hans Mayer-Hasselwander, Leon Rochester, Alex S, Tracy Usher, Karl Young

Monte Carlo

In 2 weeks, Riccardo and Marco will complete their upgrades for the MonteCarlo data and the G4Generator package.



NTuple It was noted that the current ntuple structure is good enough for now. **** I'm still surprised about this... I thought we were going to do an audit of the ntuple contents **** The ntuple algorithms in the TkrRecon package will be moved - such as the MC ntuple algorithms.

RandomNumberGeneratorSvc - Toby will contact LHcB to see how they are handling it.

ROOT upgrade to 3.02 We want to upgrade ROOT as we are writing the new ROOT classes. Gloria has evaluated the new version for the existing EventDisplay and it works just fine. We will have to coordinate tests for other portions of our software.

FITS I/O interface for upcoming I&T support Will use the standard CFITSIO library rather than the new ccfits, because ccfits does not yet compile on windows. Heather will create an interface package and provide cfitsio in the external library FTP area. Once the I&T group provides their FITS specification, work will begin on a FITS->ROOT converter for the digi data. Due August, 2002.

ROOT2IDL necessary for upcoming I&T support new version available August 2002

Calibration necessary for upcoming I&T support

The subsystems are responsible for calibration algorithms. It was left undecided what those routines would be written in: C++? ROOT? Currently our calibration data is stored in ASCII files, in the future, will they be stored in ROOT?

How does the interface to Gaudi work? Will the calibration data be put on the TDS through the persistency service? Can we just use a home grown service that will ingest the data and make it generally available? This was left for further discussion.

Configuration Management - We will hold steady with gcc 2.91 We discussed using Gaudi as an external library need to provide mechanism to run debugger when necessary, by having both DEBUG and release versions. New version of VCMT developed by Karl and Alex in the next 2-3 months, using SOPE + PERL. ReleaseManager, the server version, available in 2 weeks.

Upgrade to use the standard units: mm and MeV Flight.xml uses the standard units (mm and MeV). It is unclear how and when other code will be upgraded. It was noted that the origin has been moved to the appropriate location, between the TKR and CAL.

Documentation - semi-monthly code documentation review and code walkthroughs to begin in April. Web doc review to begin immediately. Janani is currently going over our existing how-to pages. Her current status will be queried early next week.

**** Things we didn't address: ***** when/how will we upgrade to Geant 4.4?

H.Kelly Last Modified: 2002-03-06 09:41:59 -0800