Digi   Reconstruction    Housekeeping    DAQ    NOTES

This overview relies heavily upon statements made in the "Interface Control Document Between the BFEM Calorimeter (NRL) and the TEM Board (Stanford)" (ICD) from January 12, 2001.  From time to time, you will be referred to sections, figures, or tables within this document.

CAL Digi Event Data

For a detailed description, please see Section 7.2 CsI Event Data Readout and Table 14 ADC Readout Order in TEM  in the ICD.  The following items appear in the cale event subpacket.  The first column is the name denoted in the ICD, second column is the access method in the digi Root classes, and the third column is a description of the item.

ICD name digiRootData Description
32-bit Event ID getEventID( ) unsigned sequential counter of triggers received by the CAL TEM, starting at 0 and incrementing until it wraps or the TEM is reset
32-bit Timer Word    
32-bit TREQ/VETO status    
Dead cause/time    

CAL Reconstruction

Please see the page describing the reconRootData class.


CAL Housekeeping Data



CAL TEM Programming Guide rev 2.37


The CAL data is always in 4 range readout mode for the 2001 balloon flight.  The 1999 testbeam stored 4 range mode in 4 separate subpackets - this is NOT the case for the balloon flight.  Instead, all event data for the CAL will be in one subpacket.