BFEM Data Integrity Checking and our good friend ROOTWriter
Integrity Checking
The issue of data integrity has reared its ugly head in the last week or so. 

Integrity Checking using XIC
Tony Waite has taken the time to develop a data integrity checker that is our starting point for insuring that the BFEM ivte files are worthy of Root conversion - before ROOTWriter begins to create a Root file.  Tony's code has been put into a new package in the SLAC CVS repository - the package name is level0Check, and it contains code named XIC (eXtensible Integrity Checker).

Most likely the DataManager will run all ivte files through XIC.  In addition, ROOTWriter has been updated to call the routines contained in the level0Check library - at the beginning of its run.  The summary information that XIC produces is reported.  If any errors are found, ROOTWriter aborts with an error and no root file will be produced.

Here is an example of the output from ROOTWriter (using XIC):
bad file          good file

In addition, a number of data integrity checks have been added into ROOTWriter itself.  Though this is not as extensive as what is currently done within XIC.