Minutes 10/18/2000

Present: Heather, Ian, Joanne, Pat, Richard, Taka, Thomas, Toby, Traudl

GEANT4 for Balloon Flight

Taka  described the status of the GEANT4 simulation for the upcoming balloon flight.  See http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~handa/beamtest/geant4/geant4_101700.pdf for details (and a very nice picture).  Among the points made:

Traudl warned that GEANT4 is not of production quality yet.  However, we believe it will be by the  time we require it to be, and in any case since we don't require precision hadronic calorimetry we are less sensitive than other experiments to deficiencies.

There was a request for documentation of how the GEANT4 simulation handles energy deposition in passive (not read out)  materials, to be compared with Toby's plan for Gismo.

There was some discussion of whether we can integrate Gaudi with GEANT4 in time to be used for the balloon flight.  It is seeming likely, but not certain.  Is it time to "freeze" the Gismo simulation? Richard pointed out that we have to have a fallback position and an agreed-upon date when we will fall back if Gaudi/GEANT4 is not ready for the balloon flight.  We need to enumerate and assign the subtasks involved in supporting the balloon flight with Gaudi/GEANT4.

Core Software Status

See  http://www-sldnt.slac.stanford.edu/glast/meetings/core_status20001019.htm for details.

Among the topics mentioned were changes/simplifications in progress to the application package.  These conflict with changes Joanne is making for the conversion to the new xml parser, so Toby and Joanne will work something out to get everything merged properly.

Package Monitor Web Page

Thomas has made some improvements to

http://www.slac.stanford.edu/exp/glast/ground/software/LatestPackages (a page automatically generated daily, listing for each Glast package who owns it and what the latest tagged version is)  and more were suggested:

Administrative Matters

Richard mentioned several:


J.Bogart Last Modified: 08/04/2004 15:39