Adding a Material

This is an example of changing something in the central xml detector/response files.

They live in the xmlGeoDbs package, under xml/. Currently, the default materials definition is in xml/materials.xml.

In this example, we'll add Pb (used to be in there when the TKR radiators were to be made of lead). This is a single atom element. Composites are a little more involved.

In the ATOMS section, add something like

<element name="Lead" 

to specify the element. Then to the section called

<!-- Single-element materials -->


<composite name="Pb" density="11.35">
<addmaterial material="Lead">
<natoms n="1" />

If, for example, you were doing this to change the Slab material in the SlabAlg test, modify Slab.xml:

<prim name="slabMat" value="Pb" type="string" uType="mat">

There is a small hitch. Gleam still uses gismo facilities for certain things, and this requires there to be a PEGS file for the material. Pb was a convenient choice since there was already one there! If you are picking an unknown material, then you'll need to generate a PEGS file, and put it in the PEGS4 directory of the Recon package.

R.Dubois Last Modified: 2010-06-01 15:46:39 -0700