Overriding Gleam's jobOptions File

Often you will just want to run Gleam, but change some jobOptions parameter or redirect the output of the Root files. You can do this by supplying your own jobOptions file.

There is a feature of the jobOptions file that you can use to your advantage

the last definition of a command wins

So you can override any Gleam option by providing your own. The recommended method of operating is to #include Gleam's basicOptions.txt file in yours, and then override to your heart's content.

Here is a sample (notes [] are not part of the file!). This sample will run simulation + recon + write output Root files. Aside from paths, the file is equally applicable to Windows and Linux.

// Job options file for Gleam job
// $Header: /nfs/slac/g/glast/ground/cvs/Gleam/src/jobOptions.txt,v 1.7 2002/07/27 08:48:10 burnett Exp $

#include "$GLEAMROOT/src/basicOptions.txt"                             [1]
//#include "$GLEAMROOT/src/guiOptions.txt"                              [2]

MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3;                                                             [3]

mcRootWriterAlg.mcRootFile =                                                           [4] "$(GLASTUSER)/glastPackTest/surveyCALHE/mc-gamma100MeV-vert-180.root";
digiRootWriterAlg.digiRootFile = "$(GLASTUSER)/glastPackTest/surveyCALHE/digi-gamma100MeV-vert-180.root";
reconRootWriterAlg.reconRootFile = "$(GLASTUSER)/glastPackTest/surveyCALHE/recon-gamma100MeV-vert-180.root";

FluxSvc.source_lib = {"$(GLASTUSER)/glastPackTest/surveyCALHE/test_sources.xml"}; [5]
FluxAlg.source_name="gamma_100MeV";                                      [6]
ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 5000;

// temporary?
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"merit"};                                                  [7]
Triggered.Members += { "meritAlg" };
// End of job options file


To run this on Linux:

glastpack.pl run Gleam Gleam.exe myPath/jobOptions.txt

where myPath is the location of the file.

In vcmt, you would run Gleam, but in the run options box, supply


R.Dubois Last Modified: 2010-06-01 15:45:58 -0700