TDS/PDS Discussion


What should the content of the PDS be, given its (presumably) dual role as intermediary for the TDS, and as a source of outside-of-Gaudi analysis?

We need to regenerate the "analysis" ntuple - akin to the ntuple used for PDR analysis last year.

Consequences of TDS/PDS

This is included in what we have implemented, but the PDS is a superset of what is needed to carry on the next step. I think this is largely true for the TKR. Recon output is not restricted by this requirement yet, though it might have some mild ones when we add the Event interpretation and ID step.


Analysis is possible in both userAlg - with direct access to the TDS - and via "command line" Root (or any other tool capable of reading Root files).

Further details

Full recon ought to have event interpretation and "ID", including background rejection - we will need this to create the summary L1 database in the fullness of time. Perhaps this is merit?

Bill Atwood suggests that Recon "analysis" output

Does this lead to a mix of PDS/TDS + analysis quantities?

Action: Analyze the current PDS + Bill's suggestions to see if they can be classified as TDS or analysis entities.


We will also need an afterburner to extract the quantities needed to create the "analysis" summary ntuple. It probably should not have to do any real thinking - just minor rearrangements of code on the TDS. And can be performed from a single algorithm, with access to inputs via the TDS.

Action:  Post today's AnaGroup meeting, Steve will poll the analysts for their desires from the ntuple, to come back next week with a first cut.

R. Dubois Last Modified: 01-Jun-2010 15:47:40 -0700