Accessing ACD data

Some general comments: 

Possible Paths from Raw Root files into TdVetoData

Carry on with TBIOROOT

Create rTreeRawAcdAlg within the new (see Ian's slides) TBIOROOT.

Does this rTreeRawAcdAlg fill TdVetoData directly?  Remember..raw root files contain digi data...would have to provide conversion from PHA->energy

Need to provide Geometry information for both TBEM and BFEM ACD does that happen?

Bravely go...

Load the ACD GlastDetector objects with "raw" ACD data from the Root file.

This provides access to all of the geometry information available in the PRS file...but this requires a mapping from ACD ids in Raw Root to ids in the PRS file.

One still has to provide a conversion for the raw "digi" ACD data into the non-digi GlastDetector object.

Then once AcdRecon has done its job...the output must be stored in the Recon Root file...So there should be an input for ACD in the rTreeReconAlg... right?