




There are 4 functional examples in the GaudiExamples v9r0p3 package.  The rest have been disabled for now...  Please note that to run the examples, the jobOptions file must be passed in as a parameter.  i.e. AlgSequencer.exe home/AlgSequencer.txt

Gaudi's Hello World!
Here's the output.  
Here's the jobOptions file, note the included Common.txt.

An example Tool - a small utility that may be made available to the whole framework - a "light" algorithm.
Here's the output.  
Here's the jobOptions file, note the included Common.txt

An example that shows how to setup all types of properties.  Simple properties as well as more complex ones, such as an array of strings.  Also shows how to setup bounds on a property.  Show how to access properties of some other routine such as the ApplicationMgr or from another user defined algorithm.
Here's the output.  
Here's the jobOptions file, note the included Common.txt


Demonstrates the use of the Random Number Service.  Generates and stores values from gaussian, exponential, and poisson distributions.  The output is stored in a ROOT ntuple.  Also stores the results in histograms, which are written to another ROOT file.
Here is the jobOptions file.
Here is the output from the histogram file and from the ntuple.

There are other examples in this package that will interest us, specifically, RootIO. RootIO shows an example user defined DataObject and Converter.


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H. Kelly Last Modified:  2002-12-02 11:37:24 -0800