Conversion to Gaudi Version 7

This is a place for us to put comments and suggestions.

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31 Mar 2001, T. Burnett

Following Traudl's lead, I downloaded the Gaudi v7 release, and extracted the following packages:

ExternalLibs v3 
ROOT v2r25p1 
CLHEP v1r6 
HTL v13p1 
GaudiPolicy v4r3
GaudiKernel v9 
GaudiDb v3 
RootHistCnv v3 
GaudiTools v3 
GaudiAlg v3 
GaudiAud v3 
GaudiSvc v5
GaudiExamples v7

I made modifications to:

Had to set LHCXX_DIR and \extlib and  ROOT_DIR to \extlib\ROOT on my system. This was sufficient for HTL that we are using now, CLHEP
Changed path from v2.25/nt4/root to 2.25.03. If this is a new convention, we should consider changing. (Moving to ROOT 3.0 is another issue.)
This is a "checkout" package, with only use statements for the system, no constituents. It also has complete doxygen output for the system, under doc/html. [vcmt now assumes this path, so you can just click the examine button.]
I commented out use statements for packages not in this initial test, and hbook-related stuff.
Commented out a few packages not in the list for now, and switched HBOOK to ROOT in the requirements file and the  job options. 

That is it! No code changes. The result all builds on NT with vcmt v8. A zip file,, is accessible here.

Build/test instructions (NT/vcmt)

Final note: this is a much better designed system.  I am looking forward to installing it and taking advantage of the better architecture and and cleaner build system.