GlastRelease User Guide:  Introduction

GlastRelease is our new top-level package that determines the current versions of all GLAST Science Analysis Software, including the Monte Carlo simulation, Gleam.  It is meant as one-stop shopping - providing users with the most up to date released versions of the software.

There have been a few changes in organization as we moved to GlastRelease, most notably in how we structure the interface packages to our external libraries.  Here is a page that documents the changes between GlastRelease and our previous checkout package Gleam:

What's New? 
(stolen from the page:


This is our second attempt at such a User's Guide - it will undoubtedly be deficient in some areas.  Please feel free to offer suggestions to the Documentation Task Force.

H. Kelly Last Modified:  2004-08-04 15:42:08 -0700