GLAST Software Data

Summary of Data File Types

Continuing Development
Recon ROOT

Recon ROOT

Recon ROOT

Beam Test
Recon ROOT



This page is to serve as an introduction to the types of GLAST Data available.  Over the course of software development, the types of GLAST Data have migrated and will continue to migrate. 

Please note, that all GLAST software data is stored in some machine independent format.  Currently, those formats are either ROOT or ASCII.

Summary of Data File Types

Instrument Response File (IRF) 
Contains Monte Carlo and detector response data resulting from simulation
Format:  ASCII
Written By:  glastsim, pdrApp, tbsim, PERL scripts by G4 BFEM team
Read By:  ROOTWriter, IRFParser

Digi ROOT File
Contains detector response data. 
Format:  ROOT
Written By:  ROOTWriter
Read By:  bfemApp, tb_recon, tbApp, ROOT using digiRootData package, RootAnalysis

Recon ROOT File - 
Format:  ROOT
Written By:  glastsim, pdrApp, bfemApp
Read By:  ROOT using reconRootData library, RootAnalysis

Summary ROOT Ntuple
Format:  ROOT
Written By:  glastsim, pdrApp, bfemApp
Read By:  merit, ROOT, IDL using root2idl

Format:  tab-delimited ASCII
Written By:  AO version of glastsim
Read By:  merit, IDL, Excel

Continuing Development

Currently, we are further developing the simulation and reconstruction algorithms within the Gaudi framework.  For the time being, Monte Carlo simulations use Gismo but work is underway to use Geant 4 as an alternate source of Monte Carlo data.

Instrument Response File - containing Monte Carlo and detector data resulting from the Gismo simulation.  The file is ASCII, so that it is machine independent.

Recon ROOT File - Reconstruction data is stored in ROOT files, using the structure defined in the reconRootData package.

Summary Ntuple - summary data, including Monte Carlo and reconstruction data is stored in ROOT files.  The ntuple can be read by ROOT as well as IDL using the root2idl package.

2001 PDR

All PDR data is the result of Gismo simulations performed within the Gaudi framework.

Instrument Response File - containing Monte Carlo and detector data resulting from the Gismo simulation.  The file is ASCII, so that it is machine independent.

Recon ROOT File - Reconstruction data is stored in ROOT v3.00.06 files, using the structure defined in the reconRootData package.

Summary ROOT Ntuple - summary data, including Monte Carlo and reconstruction data is stored in ROOT v3.00.06 files.  The ntuple can be read using ROOT or IDL using the root2idl package.

Current PDR data is available from SLAC FTP:

2001 Balloon (BFEM)

Balloon data consists of both real data obtained during the balloon flight in August, 2001, as well as Geant 4 simulated data.

Instrument Response File - containing Monte Carlo and detector data from the BFEM Geant 4 simulation.

Digi ROOT File (also called Raw ROOT File) - Raw detector data is stored in ROOT v3.00.06 files, using the structure defined in the digiRootData package.

Recon ROOT File - Reconstruction data is stored in ROOT v3.00.06 files, using the structure defined in the reconRootData package.

Summary ROOT Ntuple - summary data, including Monte Carlo and reconstruction data is stored in ROOT files.

ROOT files for the Balloon flight are available from SLAC FTP:

1999-2000 Beam Test (BTEM)

Beam Test data consists of both real beam test data taken Dec. 1999 - January 2000 as well as Gismo simulation data generated by the tbsim package.  ROOT files generated during the time of the beam test use ROOT v2.22/10

Instrument Response File - Monte Carlo and detector data output from the tbsim package, which uses Gismo for Monte Carlo simulations.

Raw ROOT File - detector data stored in a ROOT v2.22/10 file, using the structure defined in the TBEvent package.
Raw ROOT files are available from SLAC FTP:

Recon ROOT File - Reconstruction data stored in a ROOT v2.22/10 file.

1999 AO

AO data was generated as output of Gismo simulations.

Instrument Response File - containing Monte Carlo and detector data resulting from the Gismo simulation.  The file is in ASCII.

Ntuple - summary data stored in a tab-delimited ASCII file.  Each row contains data from one event, and each column represents one particular type of data.  Each data field is floating point.