The PDR simulation/reconstruction chain: first results 05/29/2001

The job Options file, used with package GuiApp.

ApplicationMgr.DLLs   = { 
    "RootHistCnv" };

ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc = { 
    "GlastEventSelector/EventSelector" ,    
    "GuiSvc" };

ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = { 
    "AOrecon" };

// Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
MessageSvc.OutputLevel      = 2;

// Persistency service setup:
EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices = {"EventCnvSvc"};

// no input
EventSelector.Input = "NONE";

// make sure that this service does not try to instantiate the detector

ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 1000;

// Output root ntuple file, specify by logical variable
NTupleSvc.Output = {"AORECON DATAFILE='/NTUPLES/aoRecon.root' OPT='NEW'"};

The event display: Detector, event, and hits displayed by GismoGenerator; reconstruction displayed by AOrecon.

The "standard" ROOT n-tuple:

A histogram generated from the n-tuple

Note: the cut basically selects photons that convert, since the efficiency for finding tracks is very high.