Core Issues 15 August 2001

Previous status report; 

Infrastructure described in software PDR report, presentation.

pdrApp v6 released: linux problems now solved, and 5M background events run for PDR studies. (See log., and package summary)

Final tuning for PDR



CMT cvs checkout problem

It appears that our checkout package scheme will not properly retrieve the set of packages, when using CMT's cvscheckout command. If a package, say TrkRecon v2r4, is requested, but v2r5 exists in the repository, CMT asks CVS to checkout the latter! (VCMT is not so "smart".) This is on the table to resolve.

Linux setup at SLAC

The current group .cshrc is broken, needs to be available to define the setup for a pre-built release, with appropriate documentation.

T. Burnett